[nabs-l] NABS Events and Meeting Agenda

nabs.president at gmail.com nabs.president at gmail.com
Sun Jun 30 00:37:12 UTC 2013

Would it help if I actually attached the agenda?


See you in Orlando!


Good evening,


I am looking forward to seeing many of you in Orlando and at our NABS
events. I am writing to provide the times and locations of a few NABS agenda
items, as well as to share the agenda for the 2013 business meeting.


Please come on out and see us at the following times and locations:


Monday July 1

9:00 - 11:00 pm-NABS SOCIAL

W204C, Convention Center, level 2

Come mingle with fellow students in an informal setting. We are always
interested in what you all have to say, and NABS board members will be on
hand to take your suggestions and thoughts. Additionally, we'd just love to
hang out and chat about anything you like!


Tuesday, July 2


Junior Ballroom F, level 1

Come on out to hear inspiring speakers, learn about new technologies, and be
a part of the work of NABS. Registration opens at 6:00, and the meeting will
start promptly at 7:00. The agenda is packed, so come on out and be a part
of this exciting meeting!


Thursday, July 4

8:00 - 11:30 pm-MONTE CARLO NIGHT 

Salons 1 and 2, level 2  

Come play various card games with a chance to win real cash! You can also
enjoy the various hostages NABS will be holding throughout the evening. You
may even want to help them buy their freedom! There will be a cash bar
available, and plenty of opportunities to hang with old friends or make new


Please come out and support NABS and the important work we do!


Take care,




Sean Whalen

President, National Association of Blind Students

(608) 332-4147

Nabs.president at gmail.com



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