[nabs-l] Final reminder - Spring Seminar for Blind Studends Minnesota

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sun Mar 17 17:22:40 UTC 2013

>The following information about an upcoming seminar for blind high school
>and college students in Minnesota comes from Jordan Richardson, president of
>the Minnesota Association of Blind Students:
>To Whom It May Concern:
>The Minnesota Association of Blind Students is excited to let you know about
>our upcoming Student Spring Seminar to be held on Saturday, 6 April, 2013
>from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.  The meeting will be held at the National
>Federation of the Blind of Minnesota headquarters located at 100 E 22nd
>Street in Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404.
>The day's events are open to high school and college students, prospective
>students, and anyone else who wishes to help advocate for student-related
>policies.  The theme for this event is "Access to Opportunity!"
>Topics will include a presentation by the Communication Center of State
>Services for the Blind, the chance to interact with a panel of undergraduate
>and graduate college students, the opportunity to hear from a representative
>of a college disability services office, several opportunities to meet and
>network with other blind students and blind professionals, and much more.
>Please see the attached flier and pre-registration form for more
>information.  (the pre-registration form is also included below for 
>those cases where attachments are not accepted.)  We hope to see you 
>at this exciting
>seminar. Feel free to pass
>this email and flier on to anyone who might be interested.  Please direct
>all questions to mnabs.talk at gmail.com, and one of our officers will be in
>touch promptly.
>Please return a completed pre-registration form to mnabs.talk at gmail.com by
>March 22.
>The Minnesota Association of Blind Students
>--The Minnesota Association of Blind Students is a division of the National
>Federation of the Blind of Minnesota and of the National Association of
>Blind Students.--
>Jordan Richardson
>President, Minnesota Association of Blind Students
>jordan.rich0913 at gmail.com
>richa878 at umn.edu
>"Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain
>Pre-registration form
>Minnesota Association of Blind Students (MABS)
>2nd Annual student seminar registration form
>Email mnabs.talk at gmail.com
>President Jordan Richardson       (763)742-8792
>1st vice Vanasha Washington       (612)670-1181
>2nd vice Hanna Ferney             (419)250-2057
>Treasurer Adrianne (Andi) Dempsey (231)670-6544
>All participants attending this seminar must fill out and submit 
>this form to MABS via email attachment by March 22nd. Registration 
>costs $10 and is
>payable when you arrive. Lunch will be provided. If you have any 
>questions feel free to write them in the body of the email when you 
>submit this form.  One
>of the MABS board members will reply promptly.
>Date: ____________________
>Seminar attendee
>First Name: ____________________________________________________________
>Last Name: ____________________________________________________________
>Address 1: ____________________________________________________________
>Address 2(apt): _______________________________________________________
>City: _________________________ State: _____ Zip code: 
>Home phone: (_____) _____-__________
>Cell phone: (_____) _____-__________
>Email: ________________________________________
>Please place an x by the choice that applies to you. If you choose 
>other please specify.
>High school student: ___
>College student: ___
>Parent: ___
>Teacher or instructor: ___
>Other: ___
>Please place an X by the format you wish to receive materials.
>Braille: ___
>Large Print: ___
>Print: ___
>Electronic: ___
>If you are deaf/blind will you need an interpreter? ___
>Do you have any food allergies? Please list all.
>Please Place an X by the choice that applies to you.
>Omnivore: ___
>Vegetarian: ___
>Vegan: ___
>Will you need overnight accommodations? ___
>Emergency contact
>First Name: ____________________________________________________________
>Last Name: ____________________________________________________________
>Address 1: ____________________________________________________________
>Address 2(apt): _______________________________________________________
>City: _________________________ State: _____ Zip code: 
>Home phone: (_____) _____-__________
>Cell phone: (_____) _____-__________
>Email: _________________________
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