[nabs-l] OT: The Audio Access FM Christmas Celebration Starts Today And You're Invited To Join Us

David Dunphy audioaccess2013 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 30 06:34:58 UTC 2013

Hi Everybody!
Saturday is going to be an interesting day on Audio Access FM.
Kick it off at 9 AM eastern with Memory Lane from Big Bob.
Then at 12 Noon, we begin our holiday programming and music.
At noon eastern, we'll be showing Frosty The Snowman with audio descrition.
Then at 12:25PM eastern we'll show Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, also described.
Then at 1:15PM eastern we'll be showing Home Alone, which will be described too!

Then at 3 PM eastern since Radio Connection Live is off for the Thanksgiving holiday, enjoy two hours of our holiday automation; Christmas music of all types from all genres, and we'll be adding to the holiday library throughout the month of December. In fact, the automation will be playing all holiday music instead of our normal library whenever a live or pre recorded show isn't on the air until December 26. And we'll be throwing in some Christmas specials along the way too!

Then at 5 PM eastern, John Sanders interrupts the holiday automation with his show, followed by The Affection Asylum at 8 PM eastern.
So join us for our normal programming, and in between shows, the start of this year's holiday celebration on Audio Access FM!
And in addition to the start of holiday music, which can all be heard at
be sure to check out our holiday page, which will go live at noon eastern, where you can find out how you can...

Sing your favorite Christmas song and maybe win 50 dollars

Send an audio Christmas card to that special someone or friend in your life and even attach a song to it while giving back to the station too...

Record a holiday greeting for friends or family to be heard in between holiday songs and Christmas commercials on automation and maybe a live show or two

Tell us about a gift you'd like to give someone special and maybe we'll help you pay for it!
And of course, our Make A Wish Fund Raiser, which you can donate to right now at

Our holiday page with all the infformation about our Christmas events will go live at noon eastern at
So join us tomorrow, Saturday November 30 2013 for our Saturday lineup and the start of our holiday celebration!
Hope to see you there!
>From David Dunphy, Station Manager, Audio Access FM

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