[nabs-l] Using Apple Vis

Bryan Jones opensesame at me.com
Tue Sep 3 23:24:18 UTC 2013

Hi Gloria -- Applevis App reviews contain a link you can click to take you to the iTunes page for the App. I clicked that link in the Applevis review for "Guide Talking Menus" and it launched iTunes and informed me the App is not available in the US App store and asked if I wanted to switch to the UK App Store to view the App's page. If you live in the US I'm pretty sure you will not be able to purchase the app from the UK store; however, if you read through the comments in the Applevis review you will find a few alternative suggestions for US residents.


On Sep 3, 2013, at 11:27 AM, Gloria G <gloria.graves at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has had troubles finding some of the apps on Apple Vis? I am trying to find the app titled, "Guide Talking Menu," which is the way it is displayed on the site, but when I search for it in the app store, there is no results. Is it under another name? It looks like it would be a very useful app and I would like to try it out.

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