[nabs-l] How can NFB better include peoplewithmultipledisabilities?

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Apr 3 00:37:50 UTC 2014

Well, as Steve said, I am not sure what the NFB can do.  The pressure 
on Black Baud, developer of Raiser's
Edge needs to come from customers and prospective customers.  We use 
it where I work, and I have tried pushing them a few times, but 
probably need to do it again.  Parts are accessible, parts 
aren't.  Parts could probably be scripted.


At 04:54 PM 4/2/2014, you wrote:
>As a person involved some in technology, could you explain more 
>about Razor's Edge and which companies are using
>it that you have encountered?  If you look at the myriad of 
>accessibility issues, it is hard to know how to
>prioritize them.  Unfortunately, many issues do not fall cleanly 
>under existing laws.  What I mean by cleanly is
>that laws may apply in such a borderline fashion that getting a 
>positive decision is unlikely.  I am
>oversimplifying this some, but to a large degree there is no law 
>preventing companies from producing inaccessible
>software.  Where are lever has been is in affecting software by 
>making it illegal or at least harder to have
>governmental entities buy it.  In some cases we have been successful 
>when a private business had an inaccessible
>web site but their web site was used to enhance the experience at a 
>public location.  This whole area of
>accessibility to websites and software on the job is not well 
>defined legally at all.  I know that the
>International Braille and Technology Center works with many 
>companies all the time and an attempt has been made to
>publicize the efforts of companies who have made their software 
>accessible.  There needs to be a ton of work done
>on this yet and in some cases, there is not much that can be done 
>legally.  If you have brought Razor's Edge to
>the national Office and they have told you it isn't important enough 
>to work on, I would be very surprised.
>However, there are a number of reasons why it might not be that easy 
>to correct very quickly including the good
>old "reasonable effort" and "Undo Burden" language in many laws.
>Would you say more about this?
>Best regards,
>Steve Jacobson
>-----Original Message-----
> >From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ashley Bramlett
> >Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 1:38 PM
> >To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> >Subject: Re: [nabs-l] How can NFB better include
> >peoplewithmultipledisabilities?
> >Kaiti,
> >The NFB is overall conservative. It is manefisted in state conventions too.
> >Christianity is the dominant religion and therefore gets recognition.
> >I hear conservative positions all the time. Its rooted in the philosophy
> >too. The idea that we have to get out there and integrate into society on
> >terms of equality and make a lot of money to support the organization is
> >kind of conservative. I hear a lot about jobs. Don't rely on government; get
> >a job.
> >Well, while I do support self sufficiency, I do also recognize that you can
> >be financially independent through other means with out the job.
> >What about stay at home moms? What about those with family inherritances who
> >don't need to work? What about those with medical issues which precludes a
> >full work day? Well, its not so easy to get a job and frankly, Nfb is doing
> >nothing to address the  software inaccessibility of common databases like
> >raisers edge.
> >The philosophy  is like the idea of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps
> >with no outside help.
> >So, if you have not realized this, the organization is conservative and ACB
> >is more liberal. This does not bother me much as I was raised with these
> >values, but as more young people come into NFB, it may bother them. Things
> >may change soon.
> >That is sad about the LGBT social group being quashed.
> >I am not one for gay marriage, but see no harm in a social group. hope this
> >does not happen again.
> >Also, I agree with posts that say we need to work more  with other
> >disability groups.
> >Ashley
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Kaiti Shelton
> >Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 10:30 PM
> >To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> >Subject: Re: [nabs-l] How can NFB better include
> >peoplewithmultipledisabilities?
> >Hello all,
> >In answer to Carly's question about connections between the blind, (we may
> >call them "just blind" for the purposes of this conversation), and those
> >with blindness and other disabilities, or other disabilities without
> >blindness, I think organizational relationships are the starting point to
> >working interpersonally.  Much like the NFB is a huge group of blind people,
> >and is often used as a catalyst for working interpersonally to accomplish
> >tasks, other groups are the same.  If we want to work interpersonally with
> >the deaf, persay, then we need to go where the deaf are and start forming
> >relationships with that group.  Once repore is established, people from the
> >various organizations can work interpersonally.  Darian might have phrased
> >it better than I did, but it's the same sort of view.
> >I was admittedly not around for that episode that Desiree described, but I'm
> >really sad to hear that it happened.  Especially since, as Arielle pointed
> >out, there are some pretty out there groups like the car one.  I mean, it's
> >okay for people to get together and discuss cars that we can't even drive
> >(yet at least), so their discussion is purely based on mechanical and
> >aesthetic knowledge of the cars rather than a personal user experience, but
> >a support group for blind people who are seen as a minority for another
> >reason is not okay?  To me, that just doesn't make sense.
> >I'm not particularly religious, and probably would label myself as unitarian
> >even though I was raised catholic if I had to label myself at all, so I
> >realize my personal views on things of that nature are more liberal than the
> >views of others.  However, conservatives aren't always going to be happy,
> >just as liberals aren't, and it is important that we compromise.  I was not
> >under the impression that the NFB had any religious affiliation, and even
> >remember asking someone what Invocation was, because I really didn't know
> >the term.  Even in this light, why is Christianity made such a prevalent
> >part of convention?
> >What about those who practice Islam, Judism, or anything else?  I would hate
> >for a majority faction within the NFB to shun double minority members,
> >because after all, we're all minorities in the greater world, so to pretend
> >that those who are different from us are less valuable or don't deserve the
> >right to organize a group to suit their unique set of needs or circumstances
> >doesn't seem right.
> >Sorry for the rant.
> >On 4/1/14, melissa R Green <lissa1531 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Arielle once again.  You are so right!  I also hope that will never
> >> happen again.
> >> Another way to look at this is, many devisions get started and then
> >> they just fall by the waist side.  Noone will keep it going.  IMO the
> >> devisions are started by people that have to be in the spotlight and
> >> be the darling of
> >>
> >> the Federation and the devision suffers.  The same happens with
> >> chapters and
> >>
> >> state devisions.  Then everyone is shaking their head and wondering
> >> what happened and why this person didn't work out.  I could give
> >> examples of backing the wrong person.
> >> Finally, I always felt badly for those children who were born and grew
> >> up in
> >>
> >> the federation.  They have a lot of pressure on them to be the darling
> >> of the federation.  Have a blessed day.
> >> Best Wishes
> >> Melissa R. Green and Pj
> >>
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "Arielle Silverman" <arielle71 at gmail.com>
> >> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
> >> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
> >> Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 5:37 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] How can NFB better include people
> >> withmultipledisabilities?
> >>
> >>
> >> I too was at the NFB convention when the LGBT group wasn't able to
> >> announce its meetings. I'm disappointed this happened, especially the
> >> symbolic exclusion it represented, and hope never to see something
> >> like that again as long as I am part of the Federation. I completely
> >> understand the leadership's desire not to have a division for every
> >> special interest. However, we need clearer and more evenhanded
> >> criteria about what should constitute a division. It doesn't make
> >> sense to allow a division for car enthusiasts with its own annual
> >> activities and then not even allow an LGBT group to advertise informal
> >> meet-ups. We can't try to say we don't want LGBT because it's too
> >> politically controversial and then have religious invocations at all
> >> the general sessions. Has the general membership ever even been polled
> >> about whether to keep having these religious invocations? In other
> >> words, unless we want to be in an organization that reflects the
> >> president's or the board's interests and political views alone, we
> >> really need to have some transparency about how divisions are formed
> >> and what kinds of characteristics are meaningful enough to justify
> >> forming a division. Furthermore, as Darian pointed out, a well-run
> >> group can probably be just as effective without a lot of the hassle
> >> associated with keeping up a division. I know at least some of the
> >> folks in the LGBT group would have been totally happy with just a
> >> group, not a full division, but even that wasn't supported.
> >>
> >> Arielle
> >>
> >> On 4/1/14, melissa R Green <lissa1531 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> what a good topic.  I know that there is a blind rollers list.  But
> >>> the devision never came into being.  I think that the committee of
> >>> the under served is supposed to address these issues.  However this
> >>> is not occurring.
> >>>
> >>> I agree that nfb has a primary focus of blindness.  Yet, we are a
> >>> diverse population.  So I believe that the nfb needs to become more
> >>> diverse.  I also
> >>>
> >>> believe that the leadership are going by their assumptions that if
> >>> they have
> >>>
> >>> a devision dedicated to a certain grou that it will not do anything
> >>> to assist blind people.  For example, years ago, a group came
> >>> together and wanted to form a devision for blind gay bisexual and
> >>> transgendered people.
> >>> I was at the convention when doctor Maurer was reading the
> >>> announcement and
> >>>
> >>> then he ripped it up in the middle of reading it.  Many people left
> >>> the federation because they felt that they were not wanted and that
> >>> the leadership assumed that it would be a devision strictly for
> >>> social purposes.
> >>>
> >>> Many people are hopeful that the new president will bring many more
> >>> changes
> >>>
> >>> and lots of diversity to the federation.  I am going to wait and see
> >>> what happens.
> >>> Have a blessed day.
> >>> Best Wishes
> >>> Melissa R. Green and Pj
> >>>
> >>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>> From: "Arielle Silverman" <arielle71 at gmail.com>
> >>> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
> >>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
> >>> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 3:53 PM
> >>> Subject: [nabs-l] How can NFB better include people with
> >>> multipledisabilities?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Hi all,
> >>>
> >>> I'd like to start a separate thread to address an important issue
> >>> that's come up recently. It's clear that more and more blind folks
> >>> today also have other disabilities. For several reasons, the number
> >>> of blind people with additional disabilities is likely to increase,
> >>> and more than that, the number of blind people with additional
> >>> disabilities who are getting educated and involved in advocacy is
> >>> likely to increase. I do think that, for the most part, the NFB
> >>> centers do a good job of tailoring training to the needs that people
> >>> with other disabilities may have, but I also think that we as an
> >>> organization have far to go in order to truly appreciate the
> >>> contributions of all blind people. I think it's particularly true
> >>> when we think about including people with intellectual disabilities
> >>> and mental illnesses. These kinds of conditions are stigmatized in
> >>> general, but especially since our leadership has tended to be highly
> >>> educated and to stress academic excellence and consistent effort from
> >>> the leadership, I can see how folks who have intellectual
> >>> disabilities, mental illnesses or chronic health conditions can feel
> >>> left out. I've known some blind folks who had trouble holding down
> >>> leadership positions in the NFB due to the ups and downs of mental
> >>> illnesses, for example, but who are still incredibly creative and
> >>> passionate people with a lot of good ideas that are getting lost.
> >>> Further, as several folks have pointed out, people with multiple
> >>> disabilities can experience difficulties related to getting
> >>> employment, education, etc. that the NFB hasn't really been able to
> >>> help them with.
> >>> I agree that NFB can't be expert about all disabilities, just
> >>> blindness, but I think there is a definite place for more divisions
> >>> and groups within the NFB that focus on other conditions. There is a
> >>> deaf-blind division, but I have not heard many great things about its
> >>> effectiveness. I have heard about efforts to possibly start a
> >>> blind-rollers division, and it makes sense to me that blind
> >>> wheelchair users might have unique concerns they'd want to discuss
> >>> with each other. But to my knowledge such a division has not been
> >>> formed. I would love to see a division for blind people with mental
> >>> health conditions. This is a huge segment of our population, and
> >>> there are probably unique concerns there. I am not sure if such
> >>> divisions don't exist because the national leadership opposes them or
> >>> if there just hasn't been enough interest or momentum to get them
> >>> going. But I think having such divisions could help folks who have
> >>> additional disabilities obtain leadership positions within the
> >>> organization, and also to provide a vehicle for collective action and
> >>> education about issues affecting these groups specifically, even if
> >>> the NFB as a whole should just focus on blindness. I hope that makes
> >>> sense. I would be interested in other suggestions from you about how
> >>> members with multiple disabilities can feel more valued. While there
> >>> is something to be said for going ahead and running for leadership
> >>> positions in order to change things, change also needs to come from
> >>> the organization as a whole if folks with multiple disabilities are
> >>> going to be elected and welcomed in these positions.
> >>>
> >>> Best,
> >>> Arielle
> >>>
> >>> On 3/31/14, Steve Jacobson <steve.jacobson at visi.com> wrote:
> >>>> Joe and others,
> >>>>
> >>>> It is not my position that anything said about the NFB that is
> >>>> negative is wrong.  Organizations are made up of human beings and we
> >>>> are not perfect so our creations are not likely going
> >>>>
> >>>> to
> >>>> be perfect.  Still, some of what one person may seem as wrong  isn't
> >>>> so much a matter of right or wrong as perspective and opinion.  We
> >>>> embarked a good while back now on an expansion that has resulted in
> >>>> the need to raise more funds than we used to have to raise.  I do
> >>>> not think I am alone among NFB supporters in recognizing that this
> >>>> is a risk.  When you look at our budget and that of the ACB and then
> >>>> compare legislative successes as you did, Joe, it is certainly clear
> >>>> that legislative successes are not proportional to one's budget.
> >>>> Whether I completely agree with legislation ACB passes or not, I
> >>>> recognize that the ACB has made contributions.  However, I have felt
> >>>> for some time and I feel particularly more so now that our problems
> >>>> can't be solved by legislation alone.  Let's take accessibility, for
> >>>> example.  There is a lot of emphasis on getting more legislation
> >>>> passed that will force software to be accessible, for example.  I
> >>>> happen to believe this is necessary, but it isn't going to make
> >>>> everything better for us, particularly on the job, all by itself.
> >>>> If we are going to make any serious gains, we need to understand the
> >>>> limits of current technology and explore ways of getting information
> >>>> that is new.  I am not one who got all excited about being able to
> >>>> drive a car, although I certainly hope that blind people can do that
> >>>> at some point.  However, I got very excited about the fact that as a
> >>>> result of looking at the problem, we experimented with a number of
> >>>> ways of getting information that had not been explored before.  A
> >>>> significant portion of our budget went into the KNFB reader.  At the
> >>>> time, it was something nobody was doing, and it was a moving
> >>>> experience when I held up a KNFB reader to the lists of registered
> >>>> people at a national convention that were just hanging from a
> >>>> crossbar and have it start to read the content.  There have probably
> >>>> been over a thousand kids who have attended science camps of one
> >>>> kind or another through our efforts.  We have been able to sponsor
> >>>> other gatherings as well for blind lawyers, teachers, and major
> >>>> players in the technology field.  We couldn't have done any of this
> >>>> in the 80's or 90's, and much of this would not have been done even
> >>>> now if we hadn't tried it.
> >>>>
> >>>> So what's my point, I'm not saying anything new, you know all this.
> >>>> My point is that a lot of this is about risks and perspectives.  We
> >>>> won't know for a long time if some of these efforts will make a
> >>>> difference.  Frankly, I am a believer that one learns almost as much
> >>>> from what doesn't work as one learns from what does, because if you
> >>>> make a mistake you can eliminate or refine that approach.  Will some
> >>>> of those thousand kids get into math or science because of what we
> >>>> did?  Is the OCR in the new HIMS product a little better because of
> >>>> what we did with the KNFB reader?  Will we see a really good reader
> >>>> on the iPhone?  Might we ever see a reader that could use artificial
> >>>> intelligence to interpret software on a computer screen instead of
> >>>> having
> >>>>
> >>>> to
> >>>> educate every person who writes
> >>>> software?  Will some of our efforts mean that there might be a way
> >>>> for us
> >>>>
> >>>> to
> >>>> control the Google self-driving cars because of some of the work we
> >>>> did on our own car?  I hope that at least some of the answers are
> >>>> yes, but at this point I can't really say.  What I do know is that
> >>>> the smaller dynamic grass roots organization that we were in the
> >>>> 80's couldn't have had any affect on some of what I've listed above,
> >>>> nor was it the right time for that.  But it also means that we
> >>>> change.  Not only do we change, but we make mistakes as we adjust to
> >>>> change.  Joe, what you see as a downward spiral, I see as the
> >>>> challenges of change.  I'm not satisfied to say that it has to be
> >>>> that way, though.  We can and must learn how to do better, as
> >>>> individuals and as an organization.
> >>>>
> >>>> Joe, I think you are right that getting training at one of our
> >>>> centers won't miraculously make life better, and the marketing does
> >>>> sometimes imply that.  However, you are wrong to draw conclusions
> >>>> about such training based upon the marketing.  Discussing and
> >>>> exploring the uncertainties and challenges of seeking employment as
> >>>> a blind person is a big part of what is addressed at BLIND
> >>>> Incorporated here in Minnesota and I assume by our other centers.
> >>>> Some of the point of such training is to encourage the idea that you
> >>>> have to have a set of tools to approach a given situation and not
> >>>> just one tool.  Still, we have to do more than run people through
> >>>> training.
> >>>> This is true of any single aspectof our challenges, though.
> >>>> Legislating that software must be accessible and that one cannot
> >>>> discriminate based upon a disability was and is still needed, but it
> >>>> won't matter much if we don't have training.  Legislation and even
> >>>> training won't matter all that much if we don't get a good basic
> >>>> education.
> >>>> Requiring that school districts teach braille won't fix that problem
> >>>> if there are no braille instructors in a given area.  You can't pick
> >>>> any one thing out and say that it can lead to success by itself, and
> >>>> you can't see any given issue as completely standing on its own.
> >>>>
> >>>> I feel that we are in a better position as an organization to impact
> >>>> the complex challenges we face with a larger budget than we were.
> >>>> However, it is more important than ever that we understand where we
> >>>> are going and how our philosophy fits in.  The question of what can
> >>>> we change to address the challenges of the world and what do we need
> >>>> the world to change is more important than ever, and I don't see
> >>>> anyone asking questions like that outside of this organization.
> >>>> With our strengths and our failings, I think our understanding of
> >>>> asking for help and looking for our own solutions is what has set us
> >>>> apart in my mind, and while it is risky, I think that branching out
> >>>> is a risk worth taking to try to have a wider impact.  We need the
> >>>> help of all members, though, to handle change.
> >>>>
> >>>> Best regards,
> >>>>
> >>>> Steve Jacobson
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Sun, 30 Mar 2014 12:57:22 -0600, Jamie Principato wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>Arielle,
> >>>>>That was a very thoughtful and politically sensitive response.
> >>>>
> >>>>>Joe,
> >>>>>I am pleased to see I am not alone in making these observations
> >>>>>furring  my  own relationship with the NFB. while I
> >>>> deeply respect the organization's history and truly appreciate the
> >>>> raw potential the organization has moving forward, the passion I
> >>>> joined with back in high school has turned to cautious cynicism. I
> >>>> don't think this perspective is bad, though. I think the NFB
> >>>> desperately needs members who can see past the smoke and mirrors of
> >>>> PR, and who are willing to discuss issues of blindness and politics
> >>>> in a no-nonsense way that isn't always easy to hear. It is a shame
> >>>> though when those of us less willing to toe the line and pander to
> >>>> those with political power are treated with hostility by some at the
> >>>> national level, and more still within our local chapters.
> >>>>
> >>>>>Sent from my iPhone
> >>>>
> >>>>>> On Mar 30, 2014, at 12:00 PM, Arielle Silverman
> >>>>>> <arielle71 at gmail.com>
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi Joe,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have not been following the
> >>>>>> Braille Monitor that closely but I can understand what you are
> >>>>>> saying about the increased emphasis on fund-raising. I have also
> >>>>>> felt like the national convention is turning into more of a
> >>>>>> carnival with all the exhibitors and prizes being given away, and
> >>>>>> much of banquet that used to focus on philosophy and NFB spirit is
> >>>>>> now taken up with prize drawings and the like.
> >>>>>> To be fair, NFB was stronger financially when we joined than it is
> >>>>>> now, and I understand that some national programs have been cut
> >>>>>> due to a decrease in revenue from what used to be steady reliable
> >>>>>> income sources. So NFB may be pushing fund-raising more, but the
> >>>>>> alternative could be a loss of programs and resources.
> >>>>>> I have not heard of anyone being blatantly turned away or refused
> >>>>>> membership in an NFB chapter. If that ever happens it is truly
> >>>>>> shameful. I do think that sometimes prospective members choose not
> >>>>>> to join because they perceive hostility from the organization or
> >>>>>> judgment of their lifestyle choices. I think part of that is
> >>>>>> perception only, and part of it is reality. The NFB is stereotyped
> >>>>>> as a radical one-size-fits-all organization, and new members
> >>>>>> expecting to find that could be especially sensitive to cues of
> >>>>>> hostility. However, there probably is some real lack of acceptance
> >>>>>> among certain segments of the organization, which, again, is
> >>>>>> unfortunate. I will say that I am not the most graceful blind
> >>>>>> person and was relatively unskilled when I first joined, and I
> >>>>>> still felt completely accepted. But I know not all of us are so
> >>>>>> lucky. I would encourage prospective members who have a negative
> >>>>>> experience to try again in a different chapter or division and
> >>>>>> perhaps they will find acceptance there. But at the same time, this is
> >something we need to be sensitive to in the organization.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Arielle
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On 3/30/14, Michael Capelle <michael.capelle at frontier.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>> Hello all.
> >>>>>>> This is why I am not apart of any "blind movement."  I live my
> >>>>>>> own life, live my own philosophy, ETC.  I do not believe in a one
> >>>>>>> size fits all mentality, which is unfurtunately what the NFB
> >>>>>>> does.
> >>>>>>> Thanks.
> >>>>>>> Mike
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>>>>> From: RJ Sandefur
> >>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2014 11:51 AM
> >>>>>>> To: jsoro620 at gmail.com ; National Association of Blind Students
> >>>>>>> mailing list
> >>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Success and Why I Left the NFB
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Joe, I agree with you. I had to attend both college, and Seminary
> >>>>>>> without the NFB's help, although it would have been nice to have
> >>>>>>> a mentoor.
> >>>>>>> RJ
> >>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>>>>>> From: "Joe" <jsoro620 at gmail.com>
> >>>>>>> To: "'National Association of Blind Students mailing list'"
> >>>>>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
> >>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2014 12:25 PM
> >>>>>>> Subject: [nabs-l] Success and Why I Left the NFB
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> 2006 was the last year I attended a national convention. While
> >>>>>>>> there I was caught up in the ra ra of the movement and felt glad
> >>>>>>>> to be in the company
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> of
> >>>>>>>> so many people who could relate to the challenges that awaited
> >>>>>>>> me as a recent college graduate. I left convention, finished up
> >>>>>>>> my summer as a counselor in Iowa, and set off for DC to begin my
> >>>>>>>> business with the real world. I would never take away someone's
> >>>>>>>> enthusiasm from attending a national convention or Washington
> >>>>>>>> Seminar or one of the weekend leadership seminars in Baltimore.
> >>>>>>>> They are very well-suited to boost a person's spirit, but I
> >>>>>>>> believe too many people fall through the cracks when faced with
> >>>>>>>> reality outside of those infrequent gatherings.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> To be fair, the organization is no different from any other
> >>>>>>>> nonprofit business. It needs money to sustain itself, and in
> >>>>>>>> turn it needs more members to help raise the money. Still, I
> >>>>>>>> found it rather disappointing that so much of the board meeting
> >>>>>>>> I tuned into listen to last summer was dominated by calls to
> >>>>>>>> raise money for this fund or that effort. I found it even sadder
> >>>>>>>> that a recent issue of the Braille Monitor, our monthly dose of
> >>>>>>>> inspiration, featured several articles just to the focus of
> >>>>>>>> generating more ways to drum up more financial support, but
> >>>>>>>> perhaps the most frustrating byproduct of this new NFB are the
> >>>>>>>> e-mails from so-called friends from whom
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>> have not heard in years but boldly ask me to contribute to their
> >>>>>>>> NFB fundraising campaigns.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> In short, at some point the NFB embraced enterprise and forgot
> >>>>>>>> about the movement. Between 2006 and 2012 I went on to help lead
> >>>>>>>> development efforts for other nonprofits outside of the
> >>>>>>>> blindness field, also national in scope.
> >>>>>>>> They too made fundraising a priority, but it never felt like the
> >>>>>>>> top, or the only, priority. It gets tiresome when we focus on
> >>>>>>>> recruiting new blood and raising new money and forget about
> >>>>>>>> strengthening the members and resources we've already had.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Nowadays I have the privilege of knowing some excellent blind
> >>>>>>>> professionals.
> >>>>>>>> I think they would do well in the NFB. They are smarter than I
> >>>>>>>> ever will be and have accomplished more than I may ever achieve,
> >>>>>>>> but they shun the organization because they were turned away or
> >>>>>>>> because they were never welcomed in the first place. It's
> >>>>>>>> something I should have kept in mind when I had my brief taste
> >>>>>>>> of leadership in the organization. I had too much of
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> a
> >>>>>>>> mouth on me to ever be anyone's golden child, but I was reliable
> >>>>>>>> enough to get the job done. But, getting the job done should
> >>>>>>>> have really meant attracting and pulling in these men and women
> >>>>>>>> who could have made the NFB lots better, listening to new ideas,
> >>>>>>>> and most important, remaining true to the cause and not some
> >>>>>>>> multi-million-dollar institute we find ourselves incapable of
> >>>>>>>> sustaining.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> So, what does any of this have to do with the original post? I
> >>>>>>>> don't want
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>> to ever be said I was a hypocrite. The leadership may as well
> >>>>>>>> know what I think of them, but more importantly, to the college
> >>>>>>>> kids on the verge of spreading their own wings, I want you to
> >>>>>>>> know the NFB banner will only guide your way so far. Take what's
> >>>>>>>> great about the organization and leave the political drama and
> >>>>>>>> marketing ploys behind. In the end it will be your own wits and
> >>>>>>>> talents that will earn your pay check. The NFB will never give
> >>>>>>>> you anything new. The philosophy merely helps you uncover what
> >>>>>>>> you always had
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>> be successful. Anything could happen with the new NFB president,
> >>>>>>>> and I will be the first to retract my words if he is brave
> >>>>>>>> enough to reverse this downward spiral. You see, we no longer
> >>>>>>>> live in a world where the NFB is necessary for collective
> >>>>>>>> momentum. Technology has seen to that.
> >>>>>>>> Whether
> >>>>>>>> or
> >>>>>>>> not the movement sticks around largely depends on how badly we
> >>>>>>>> want it to exist.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Is the ACB doing it any better? That's debatable, but you know
> >>>>>>>> what I've found from the people I've met on that side of the
> >>>>>>>> house? They seem happier, and that's something we can't seem to
> >>>>>>>> figure out in our camp. The few victories they celebrate they do
> >>>>>>>> with even less money. Let that be a lesson in financial
> >>>>>>>> management to you.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I don't know what the hell I'm doing back here. I told myself I
> >>>>>>>> would never become one of those bitter former NFB members. My
> >>>>>>>> only goal was to provide different perspectives to the new
> >>>>>>>> generation of leaders coming up through the ranks. After all, if
> >>>>>>>> you never taste the real world, you have no business leading.
> >>>>>>>> That's like the teacher who teaches because they couldn't cut
> >>>>>>>> it, and believe it or not, I want to see more and more of you
> >>>>>>>> excel at whatever it is you want to do. The more of you there
> >>>>>>>> are, the greater our strength.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Moving forward I reckon I'll keep my opinions to myself here
> >>>>>>>> lest I be the rotten apple that spoils the bunch, but in some
> >>>>>>>> lame attempt to answer the original question, my answer would be
> >>>>>>>> this:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> The characteristics of a successful blind person are humility to
> >>>>>>>> consume what they need to be successful, fortitude to turn away
> >>>>>>>> what will not, and wisdom to recognize the difference.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Joe
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>> Twitter: @ScribblingJoe
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Visit my blog:
> >>>>>>>> http://joeorozco.com/blog
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
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> >--
> >Kaiti

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