[nabs-l] GPS software for the IPHONE
kirt.crazydude at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 02:42:40 UTC 2014
Sorry for the double post but if you are looking for an app that specifically tells you where bus stops are you might consider hopstop. Also, there are all sorts of third-party apps for specific cities which obviously very in quality so you might want to do some research there.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 11, 2014, at 7:51 PM, Arielle Silverman via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> And I find that with almost every mainstream navigation app, it's too
> easy to get trapped in a maze of inaccessible map without being able
> to find any controls. Apps made for the sighted are extremely
> map-heavy and even if they include a feature like directions it's not
> a central part of the app. I prefer to use apps designed to be used
> without the map component. However, Seeing Eye is also great for
> showing a sighted person how to get from one place to another. It has
> a map but that's just in one tab, so it's easy to move in and out of.
> Arielle
>> On 8/11/14, Sofia Gallo via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> I've never tried main stream apps, but seeing eye gives turn by turn audio
>> directions as you walk which i find useful.
>> Sofia
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 11, 2014, at 9:34 PM, Greg Aikens via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> Forgive me if I’m jumping in late on this thread and already missed the
>>> answer, but what do Seeing Eye GPS and Blind square offer that can’t be
>>> accomplished with a mainstream GPS app? I generally just use the apple
>>> maps and get walking directions and I used to use Navigon before apple
>>> included Maps in the IOS. These aren’t my favorite solutions but generally
>>> work. If there are features that make these apps better, what are they?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Greg
>>>> On Aug 11, 2014, at 9:02 PM, Matthew Dierckens via nabs-l
>>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>> I personally like blind square. I tried the Seeing eye GPS and its really
>>>> good, but didn't have the $10 a month.
>>>> Matthew Dierckens
>>>> Macintosh Trainer
>>>> Blind Access Training
>>>> www.blindaccesstraining.com
>>>> 1-877-774-7670, extension 3
>>>> matthew at blindaccesstraining.com
>>>> Introduction to the Macintosh Operating system and voiceover course
>>>> available now. Spots are limited, sign up here
>>>> http://blindaccesstraining.com/training-courses/
>>>>> On Aug 11, 2014, at 20:53, Sofia Gallo via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I really like seeing eyes gps. It's surprisingly accurate even in nyc,
>>>>> with the limitations of any gps software of course.
>>>>> Sofia
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On Aug 11, 2014, at 8:24 PM, Arielle Silverman via nabs-l
>>>>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>> I would recommend Seeing Eye GPS for getting directions to a place or
>>>>>> tracking your location, and Ariadne GPS as a cheaper alternative for
>>>>>> tracking your location.
>>>>>> Arielle
>>>>>>> On 8/11/14, Bill K. Dengler via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> What exactly do you want from the app?
>>>>>>> Bill
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Nathan
>>>>>>> Clark
>>>>>>> via nabs-l
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 7:46 AM
>>>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>>>>> Subject: [nabs-l] GPS software for the IPHONE
>>>>>>> Dear listers,
>>>>>>> is there an email thread on pros and cons of i-phone apps for GPS
>>>>>>> navigation?
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>> Nathan Clark
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