[nabs-l] NABS List Manners
kcj21 at bellsouth.net
Wed Aug 13 01:21:09 UTC 2014
I too agree that there has been a lack of courtesy on the NABS mailing list . I agree with the suggestions and observations that were previously state, but I'd also like to point out that there have been a lot of people disparaging others' questions. Assume that the questioner has already researched this topic and for whatever reason was unsuccessful or is seeking additional feedback. Please do not reply to their question by telling them to check the manual or do a Google search. If you personally do not know the answer, you don't have to respond. We should all respect each others' questions.
Thank you,
On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 7:20 PM, Kaiti Shelton via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
Hi all,
I am pleased to say that a lot of student federationists I know and
highly respect have already posted on this thread, and they have
similar views to mine on this topic. I will add the following.
The fact is, it seems some either have forgotten or do not realize
that everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. You don't have
to necessarily agree with it or like it, but you owe your fellow NABS
members the integrity and respect that Miso talked about to let them
have their own opinion. Slamming someone else for having personal
preferences on different topics just makes you seem disagreeable in
the long run, not to mention that the other person in addition to
other students on the list might not necessarily always agree with
your personal opinions or preferences either. Just because something
doesn't fit in with your view of the world, it doesn't mean that it is
wrong, or make it right for you to champion your own opinions with
insults at the other person's expense. You can just as easily
politely state your countering opinion without putting others down,
there is no need for that on a list serve that is supposed to be
supportive. Saying I disagree because X Y Z is enough. On the other
hand, the bra size thing was totally uncalled for, and was probably as
inappropriate as you could get on a public forum like this. That was
simply completely unacceptable, as I'm sure we can all agree.
I don't know what the moderating rules are, but perhaps there should
be some checks and balances set up. I do not think they should be
sent out once a month, as I think like with other sites it is the
individual's responsibility to personally gain information on terms of
service, policies, etc. Some kind of a warning system might be good
for policing negative list content. For example, the bra size comment
and really inappropriate or offensive content might garner an
immediate booting from the list, whereas profanity or a harsh email
might be met with an email advising the person to watch their tone or
language in the future. If a person receives a certain number of
warnings in a given time, they might be eligible for removal from the
list. I think that would be a fair system, but with a list this size
I am not sure how practical it would be to implement. Just a thought.
On 8/11/14, Matthew Dierckens via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hello.
> I agree with what all has been said here. Thank you.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 11, 2014, at 12:28, Miso Kwak via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been off of the listserve for a while and came back just a few days
>> ago.
>> Eve now I don't read everything that is sent on the list so I have less
>> ground to speak from.
>> Being searched by your future boss is certainly something to be concerned
>> about. However, bigger picture here is plain integrity and respect in
>> general.
>> These two concepts are hard to grasp and I do not mean that I am perfect
>> in mastering these virtues.
>> What I am intending to say is that we, as people who affiliate ourselves
>> with the National Federation of the Blind, seeking greater independence
>> and dignity as blind people, should strive for these virtues and practice
>> to our best.
>> As for reasons mentioned above, I don't think I am at a right place to
>> suggest some practical solutions at the moment.
>> I am just here to take what I need and want and help out if I can.
>> I just would like to ask everyone to think twice before you click the send
>> button.
>> I wrote about integrity and respect because I value those virtues and care
>> what kind of people I surround myself with as well as how I present myself
>> to others.
>> Thank you for reading.
>> Miso Kwak
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Beth Taurasi via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>> To: blindcowgirl1993 <blindcowgirl1993 at gmail.com>; National Association of
>> Blind Students mailing list <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Mon, Aug 11, 2014 5:31 am
>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] NABS List Manners
>> I agree. I've been slammed for writing "garbage". So I want
>> this listserv to serve as a polite resource of info.
>> Beth
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Aleeha Dudley via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org
>> To: Mary Fernandez <trillian551 at gmail.com>,National Association
>> of Blind Students mailing list <nabs-l at nfbnet.org
>> Date sent: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 08:25:57 -0400
>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] NABS List Manners
>> Hello,
>> I agree that some reform does need to take place. I have seen
>> more and more frequently the manners that some people choose to
>> display on this list. It is unfortunate because you are impacting
>> yourself should your future boss choose to do a Google search of
>> your name. I don't think that limiting who can subscribe will
>> help, as those who subscribe with malicious intent can always
>> fabricate responses to a generated form. I think we need to rely
>> more on people's senses of respect, and also need to more
>> strictly enforce the rules of the list, e.g. not slamming anyone,
>> being polite, etc.
>> Aleeha Dudley
>> Vice President
>> Ohio Association of blind students.
>> On Aug 10, 2014, at 8:55 PM, Mary Fernandez via nabs-l
>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Good evening all,
>> I hope everyone's weekend was very enjoyable.
>> I am writing because I am deeply concerned about the manners, or
>> lack
>> thereof, which are more and more frequently being displayed on
>> the
>> list serv. I'll quickly remind you that the list is supposed to
>> be a
>> resource for blind students, of all ages, young professionals,
>> parents
>> and teachers. The list is "public" and "archivable", which means
>> that
>> anything we write on here is easily brought up when someone,
>> anyone,
>> conducts a Google search.
>> When someone inquires about software, or help with anything,
>> which
>> relates to blindness, or has a question and asks that you
>> contact them
>> off line, it does not mean that you can be disrespectful to that
>> person. The list is NOT here for insults to be thrown back and
>> forth,
>> for inappropriate comments, or for general disrespect towards
>> others.
>> So, here is my question, how can we improve communication among
>> list
>> members? Does this list still have value, and if so what are the
>> values and how to we maintain them? Let's have a discussion
>> about
>> issues and solutions. I'm probably opening a can of worms, but
>> I'm
>> truly concerned about the tone of the messages on here, and the
>> frequency with which they have been occurring. Please, be polite
>> and
>> respectful when responding to this message, and if you have
>> strong
>> feelings you do not wish to make public, simply click on my
>> email
>> address: trillian551 at gmail.com and reply to me directly.
>> Thank you,
>> Sincerely,
>> Your list moderator,
>> --
>> Mary Fernandez
>> "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will
>> forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made
>> them
>> feel."
>> --
>> Maya Angelou
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