[nabs-l] Typing While Talking
Kaiti Shelton
crazy4clarinet104 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 01:27:38 UTC 2014
In addition to what Antonio and others have said, why not abbreviate
your notes? I do this in class all the time, and if I need to further
clarify something I'll just explain more later when I review what I've
written. I would do that in addition to making sure you have an
agenda already laid out in a document. When I served as secretary of
the Ohio Association of Blind Students last year, having a document
with the agenda already spelled out made my job a lot easier. I would
also set your speech to words only as Cindy suggested, and see about
usint getting permission from your colleagues to record the meetings
as a back up. Long-term, it would be advantageous to learn braille.
IT is so much easier to handle these kinds of things with a notetaker
or a braille display rather than a computer and screenreader, so you
can have one less voice to follow.
I believe the Hadley School for the Blind could give you the braille
instruction you need, but I'm not sure how their distance learning
courses work for people outside of the U.S. I'd recommend looking
them up to see if they could make braille training possible for you.
On 8/25/14, Antonio Guimaraes via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Ashley,
> Perkins braillers are too noisy to bring into most meeting environments.
> Slates are too slow for most people. Recording is not always legal, as you
> pointed out.
> Besides other things that have been suggested, I would recommend working in
> a file with the agenda at the top of the file. You can move the cursor to
> the end, and type extemporaneously while the meeting is going on.
> You might put special characters, or strings of text in when there is a
> change in subject.
> You'll not get much done by hearing everything you type, so turning off any
> typing echo is a good idea. You can arrow up if need be, ad you're safe by
> always jumping to end of text when you need to write something new.
> Your colleagues will thank you for keeping the meeting on topic if you keep
> notes to the agenda.
> Hope this helps,
> Antonio
> On Aug 24, 2014, at 7:10 PM, Ashley Bramlett via nabs-l <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
> wrote:
>> Hello Rahul,
>> I agree with Chris. It is also difficult for me to type, listen to my
>> screen reader, and speak to another person.
>> I would strongly urge you to use a braille notetaker in meetings for
>> notes. if not a notetaker, can you get a braille display?
>> I know you live outside the US, and its expensive, but if at all possible,
>> hooking a display to your pc will eliminate the need to listen to the pc
>> screen reader.
>> If its not in a meeting, you can ask people to stop while you write a few
>> notes. Sighted people do this as well.
>> Also, if you are the only one reading the notes, assuming you know
>> braille, a old fashioned perkins brailler can work too.
>> Good luck.
>> Ashley
>> -----Original Message----- From: Rahul Bajaj via nabs-l
>> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 1:50 PM
>> To: nabs-l at nfbnet.org
>> Subject: [nabs-l] Typing While Talking
>> Hi all,
>> I hope this message finds you well.
>> I am often required to write a lot of material while I am talking with
>> my colleagues and to note down the stuff that is discussed in
>> meetings.
>> I find it very difficult to hold a meaningful conversation while
>> working with my screen reader, let alone while typing. This greatly
>> reduces my productivity.
>> Are there any tips that have worked particularly well for you guys for
>> overcoming this challenge?
>> I look forward to reading your responses.
>> Best,
>> Rahul
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