[nabs-l] This is a message for Jewel regarding Workshops for theProfessors at Colleges and Universities

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sun Jan 12 20:34:43 UTC 2014

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At 12:28 AM 1/12/2014, you wrote:

>Not to interrupt, but I sent a few emails to 
>this list, and have not received replies.  Is 
>there a spot to make sure the emails went through.
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>----- Original Message -----
>From: <helga.schreiber26 at gmail.com
>To: <nabs-l at nfbnet.org
>Date sent: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 01:18:32 -0500
>Subject: [nabs-l] This is a message for Jewel 
>regarding Workshops for theProfessors at Colleges and Universities
>Hi Jewel, this is Helga.  How are you? Remember 
>when I did my research paper regarding “Are 
>Visually Impaired College Students Descriminated 
>Against?,” and I ask you, if you could give me 
>yur life testimony in how does your college 
>helps yu and all that? And yu actually told me 
>that your college does Workshops where they 
>teach Professors how to teach  a Blind student, 
>or  a visually impaired student, and they 
>actually receive credit hours for attending the 
>workshops as well! Actually you told me that for 
>the powerpoints the professor places a 
>description of the picture underneath it, and 
>etc.  I just wanted to ask you, do you know who 
>is in charge in organizing these workshops for 
>the professors in order to teach a blind or 
>visually impaired student, and could yu give me 
>their contact number in order to talk to them 
>regarding this? And also, Would it be possible 
>for yu to give me the contact number of your DSS 
>adviser, and the DSS office in order to ask them 
>what kind of accomodations they give a blind or 
>visually impaired student for his or her class, 
>and also how do they provide these accomodations 
>for them? I’m just wondering, since my college 
>does not have any of these workshops in order to 
>educate professors in how to teach a blind or 
>visually impaired student, and I’m actually 
>having some difficulties in my classes because I 
>actually need to explain to my professors in how 
>they can give me my assignments and providing 
>them!, since I’m a blind student.  I really 
>enjoy doing that, but I’m not suppose to do 
>so, my college is suppose to train them about 
>it.  Just to let you know, my DSS adviser 
>doesn’t coperate with me in giving my 
>assignments in Braill, and I have a lot of issues with her.
>However, even though I have many issues with 
>her, I would like to inform her about these 
>workshops, and I actually would like to start 
>one in my college.  That is why I ask yu for the 
>contacts and who can I talk about this.  Also, 
>could you tell me the name of yur college? Just 
>curious! I will really appreciate it  a lot, if 
>yu could help me and give me some suggestions regarding this.
>Hope to hear from yu soon! Thanks so much and God bless!!
>P.S.  By the way, if you want you can contact me 
>on the list, or off list.  Whatever yu prefer 
>Ok? Thanks again for all your time!!

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