[nabs-l] Reading Tables Charts With JAWS

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 04:25:36 UTC 2014

Hi Helga,

You can read many tables from left to right by using alt+control+left
arrow to move to the left or alt+control+right arrow to move to the
right. The up and down arrow keys work the same way.

On 1/14/14, helga.schreiber26 at gmail.com <helga.schreiber26 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, this is Helga! How are you all? I just wanted to ask you, can you
> guys read tables Charts with JAWS? I’m just wondering, since for my
> Introduction of American Government  Class, I need to read a Federal Budget
> Tables Charts in order to complete an assignment for this week. However, is
> actually one problem, Federal Budget Table Chart info goes right to right,
> instead of Up and down. And as you know JAWS reads tables or charts going
> down, instead of going to the sides. What do you do in this kind of case
> when your professor ask you to read a table chart for and assignment? And I
> actually need to read 6 charts! I really would like to read them indepently,
> instead of making one of my sighted family members read them to me.   I will
> really appreciate it alot , if you could help me and give me some
> suggestions regarding this. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks and God
> bless!!

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