[nabs-l] [Nabs-presidents] History Project
Justin Salisbury
PRESIDENT at alumni.ecu.edu
Fri Jun 20 17:43:51 UTC 2014
Hi Kaiti,
I think this is a great project. I want you to know that this is quite similar to an initiative that we run at our national headquarters, and I think much can be gained from a close partnership with those running the national initiative.
If you and our committee are interested in harnessing the power of the broader Federation history initiative, including the collection of oral histories and archiving documents, I encourage you to contact Anna Kresmer in the Jacobus tenBroek Library. Her email address is AKresmer at NFB.org. I spent some good time with her yesterday learning about all we are doing and how members can help.
I would love to have a hand in this project, especially in researching how past NABS leaders have maintained/established relationships (for better or for worse) with the core leadership of the National Federation of the Blind and how state student division presidents have done the same within respective state affiliates.
Justin Salisbury
-----Original Message-----
From: Nabs-presidents [mailto:nabs-presidents-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Kaiti Shelton
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 4:04 PM
To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list; nabs-presidents
Subject: [Nabs-presidents] History Project
Hello all,
The National Association of Blind Students History Project is officially underway. The committee met on Saturday night, and here is what we have come up with as goals for the future. Here are the highlights.
O We want to ultimately complete a written history of the student division, modeled closely after Walking Alone Marching Together.
O To do this, we will collect information through interviews. We will start with those who were around to see the events which led up to the student division's formation and its early years unfold, then work our way into the 21st century.
O We may also publish particularly interesting interviews in publications such as the Braille Monitor, Future Reflections, and the Student Slate as relevant.
O The project will last for an indeterminant amount of time. OUr interest is to produce high quality historical information, so at least for the foreseeable future there will never a be a time where it is too late to join us. If you are interested in joining, stay tuned for April meeting details.
O Thank you to the wonderful people who chartered this committee with me, and who enthusiastically took interview assignments. You are awesome people, and I think we're off to a great start.
Stay tuned for details about April's meeting.
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