[nabs-l] Interview for the NFB Student Scholarship

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 21:15:34 UTC 2014

Hi Helga,

The deadline is march 31 for the application and interview. This
should give you enough time to cut down your essay and send it to her
before the interview. If you need to have the interview very soon, you
could send her the longer version of your essay and just say you will
be cutting it down. I think she is just asking for your essay to get a
general idea of what you will be writing about.
Best of luck!

On 3/21/14, helga.schreiber26 at gmail.com <helga.schreiber26 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, this is Helga. How are you all? I just wanted to inform you that
> today in the morning I actually receive an email from Ms. Johnnie Stalon,
> who is actually Board member of the National Federation of the Blind where
> she tells me that she would like to interview me. However, I actually have a
> problem, she ask me in the email that she would like to see my essay before
> the interview, but I'm actually didn't finish it yet, I'm actually still
> working on it. Just to let you know, for my essay I actually wrote 1,071
> words, and as you know I need to have 700 words on it. But I'm going to work
> on reducing the words, but I'm actually doing another assignment for school
> right now, I just wanted to ask you, what do you think I should do regarding
> this? I was actually thinking in submiting my essay with my application on
> Monday, and after I do that, I'm thinking in writing her an email with my
> attach essay in order for her to se it. I would like to hear your opinions
> regarding this since you probably experience this before. I will really
> appreciate it, if you could help me with this and give me some suggestions
> regarding this. Thanks so much and God bless!

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