[nabs-l] Kindle Application

Bryan Jones opensesame at me.com
Sat Mar 22 22:37:07 UTC 2014

Hello Elif,

Yes, the Kindle application for MS Windows can be used to read Kindle books aloud, assuming the book in question is Text-to-Speech enabled as noted in the details section of Amazon’s listing for the book. You will need to install the Kindle for PC Accessibility Plug-in. Instructions can be found at the following link:

Also, I believe  the Windows App still does not provide the same level of navigation granularity as found in the IOS Kindle App.


>> On Mar 22, 2014, at 10:54 AM, Elif Emir <filerime at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I did set up the kindle application on my Microsoft computer, and then
>> downloaded a book from Amazon; however, I can't read it with my jaws.
>> Is the kindle application only accessible on Apple devices?
>> Is there a way that I can access my kindle book on my Microsoft
>> Windows computer?

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