[nabs-l] hi all

Mabelin Paez mabelinzpaez94 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 17:28:42 UTC 2014

Hello all, I may have not introduced myself. My name is Mabelin Ramirez
 I’m totally blind with some light perception.
I’m in my senior year of highschool.
I’m just emailing to introduce myself and I have one very important question.
What rehabilutation center do you all recommend, I was thinking on going to the Colorado center for the blind, but I’ve heard stories and am now unsure of what to do.
Please email back if you wish.
I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you, and for those whom already know me I can’t wait to establish or re-establish friendships.
Thank you all for making me a part of this great list.

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