[nabs-l] Fw: [AccessSTEM] Help with study on helping blind persons independentlyformat documents

Hamid Hamraz hhamraz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 19:42:37 UTC 2014

Hey Folks,    

I meant to forward the below participation solicitation in the  morning...
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lourdes Morales Villaverde 
To: accessstem at uw.edu 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 8:51 PM
Subject: [AccessSTEM] Help with study on helping blind persons independentlyformat documents


I'm part of a group of researchers from the University of California, Santa Cruz. We are investigating ways in which tools may assist blind people with tasks related to document formatting, and as a first step we need to gather information about document formatting practices, errors and barriers of blind persons. To do this, we need to collect a large number and variety of documents that were created and formatted by blind persons (with at most light perception) without help from sighted persons.

Please help us by providing your documents. As this is a National Science Foundation study, we follow a strict rule of maintaining your and your documents’ confidentiality and destroying documents after the study is finished.

We will run a draw for two $50 Amazon gift certificate as a token of appreciation for those who provide us with at least 5 documents created with any word processor (Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, etc.). Please only send us documents that are at least 3 pages long.

If you are interested in helping us, please email your documents to lommoral at ucsc.edu. Also, if you know someone who fits the criteria and might be interested in helping us, please forward this email. We really appreciate your help.

Thank you for you time.

Best regards, 

Lourdes M. Morales Villaverde
Computer Science Ph.D. Student
Interactive Systems for Individuals with Special Needs Lab
Baskin School of Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz


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