[nabs-l] Writing lyrics to chords, or vise versa

Marissa Tejeda marissat789 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 03:07:44 UTC 2014

Hi guys,

So, I have written about five original songs.  Some of them, I 
have tunes too, but when I sit at the piano and try to figure 
them out, I can never do so.  Also, I have a pattern of chords 
that I made up on piano, that I would like to put words to, but 
cannot, for some reason.  I've tried, but nothing comes to mind.

Several of my songs have no tunes at all, (though, they do, I 
just forget them), and I can't put music behind it.  The same 
goes for a few of my piano songs I have composed, then forgot how 
to play.  Luckily, I rember a few of them, the ones I really 
really like.

Does anyone have any tips, advice, or would like to help me off 

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