[nabs-l] Visually Impaired Market Researcher Seeks Assistance

Kisiah K. Timmons kkt34 at drexel.edu
Mon Feb 9 01:57:16 UTC 2015


I would like the following post sent to the discussion group at large.
Thanks in advance for your assistance!!

[Beginning of post]

Are you interested in the accessibility of mobile computing devices?  Would
you like other consumer choices besides Apple products for your computing
needs?  A MBA graduate of Drexel University seeks sight impaired smart
phone/tablet users for a market research study to analyze the strength of
the business case for extensive accessibility features on mobile computing
devices.  Respondents will be asked to complete a brief, 10 question survey
online only; no secondary costs will be incurred by those who participate.
As compensation, respondents will be entered into drawings for two $50 Visa
gift cards for their participation.  To participate in the market research
study you must be 1) low vision, visually impaired, or blind, 2) own a
mobile computing device such as a smart phone or tablet, and 3) use at least
one device on a daily basis.

The survey is accessible and can be found at:


To ensure you will be entered into the drawings, contact the researcher,
Kisiah Timmons, at KKT34 at Drexel.edu after the survey has been completed.

[End of post]

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Thanks again.


Kisiah K. Timmons, BSEE, MBA
Promoting Shared Value Between Firms and the Consumers They Serve

Join me on Linked In at:


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