[nabs-l] Electronic APA writing style guide

Gloria G gloria.graves at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 18:43:25 UTC 2015

    Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone could provide any suggestions to my problem. I am taking an Intro to Counseling course and we are learning to use APA style of writing when it comes to citing sources and so on. I have an audio version of the APA style guide, but there are some activities that we will be doing in class such as, a APA scadventure hunt and an APA group quiz. For these assignments it would be helpful to have some type electronic copy of the writing style guide, and was wondering if anyone had an electronic copy they wouldn't mind passing along, or could give any advice as to how to deal with this? I am planning to listen to the audio version of the style guide and remember as much as I can with the notes I take, but wasn't sure if there was an easier way. Thanks in advance!

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