[nabs-l] my literature text update

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Mon Feb 23 05:25:12 UTC 2015

Hi Elizabeth,

What you described is the way the norton anthology is set up.
The beginning of the story is about the author. The next story segment is 
placed on the page whereever  the last story ended.
The files are long strings of random letters it seems like. I will try 
searching on the start menu to see if this helps.

I feel this huge batch of files is useless if I cannot find what I need 
since I cannot  see the page numbers for all them.

As for searching bookshare, I've done that a bit, and did not find what I 
If I need or want a text file, its easier to just get it on the internet. I 
cannot see all stories that way, but many of them are; just newer stories 
which are not freely online due to copyright issues.

Back when I had my vr stream only for books, like you, I could not use it in 
class. It just proved too slow. by the time it was powered on, and I got 
into the book,  the class was moving on. It was more distracting to read it 
in class.
Like you, I just read carefully, took notes, and brought notes with me in 
order to refer to them for discussions. I still do this a lot, even with 
text files, but I guess I just would rather read it with the class.
Without the book, its going to be troublesome to do MLA citations.
A problem is I need page numbers and quotes and spellings for my essays.
Without a text version with page numbers, I think I'll have to use a reader 
to read the story including page numbers.
At this point, that's the only way I see.

Fortunately, slightly over half the stories are readable via the audio book.
Tuesday's short stories are read clear enough via the audio format to use 
it. So, I'll use that and figure out what to do with the rest.

The stories may be online too.
We have to read the stories The Lottery and Owl at the Creek now.

We also had to read A young lady in Paris and The yellow wallpaper. These 
stories were not read well in audio form; the man was monotone and cleared 
his throat a lot; I'll see if those are online, or if anyone has them, you 
can send off list if you want.

Thanks for your suggestions.


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