[nabs-l] library volunteer jobs and techniques

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Thu May 7 23:37:16 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Well, since I use the library, I want to give back. 
Anyone volunteered at their local library?
When I was in high school, I did my community service hours at our access service branch which
has the talking books. I performed checks on the tapes. I had to open all containers, rewind tapes, and place tapes in correct order. Many tapes were not in order!
I enjoyed my time helping the talking book library.
Now that we have gone digital, that opportunity at access service does not exist.

I use the access services branch which houses talking books and I use
the other public libraries. You may wonder how or why? After all its mostly  print books!

The public library has several online databases, and some are accessible. They include online magazines and encyclopedias as well as business journals in databases like Abi and general one file.
I also use the cd and dvd collection. Of course dvds have on screen menus that I have sighted help with at home to set up.
The cds have a variety of content. Commercial audio books, music, and my favorite thing, audio lectures from well known scholars and lecturers, are what is on the cds. I love the lectures so if I do not want to take a full class on a subject, but want to enhance my knowledge on say, music history, I can do that free with the lectures.

So my question.
Do you think I could help the circulation department?
I thought of helping with the english conversation groups for ESL speakers who meet weekly to practice english, but right now it seems like most jobs are for circulation support. The circulation department manages materials which patrons check out or in other words, material which circulates to the public.

The description is as follows.

May assist with any of the following, or similar tasks: processing returns, book drop and daily delivery of materials; completing customer maintenance; searching for items to be reserved for library customers; processing periodicals and newspapers. Electronically reports volunteer hours promptly and accurately.

I know I cannot do some of this like searching for books for patrons.
But maybe I can do something?

Thanks for ideas.

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