[nabs-l] Help needed for geology and how to choose a good grad school

Shikha desai1shikha at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 19:34:07 UTC 2015

My name is Shikha and i was wondering if anyone has taken geology as a blind college student.  I am taking geology lecture and lab next semester.  
I took chemistry one at my community college and i am redoing my lab sequence because i am required to take two lab classes.  My chemistry class got transferred over and it will fill up my elective requirements.  Is geology lecture and lab  an easy science class for a blind person?   I am an sophmore at Georgia state university and my major is social work.
How do you pick the best grad school 
I would like to go out of state even though my counselor will not pay for it.  I had an easy time picking Georgia state university because all of my credits transfer from my community school and I love living in the city!
The disability office is great.


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