[nabs-l] Having Sleepovers with Sighted Friends

Roanna Bacchus rbacchus228 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 14:31:07 UTC 2016

Dear Students,

The subject of this email stemfs from an incident that happened 
to me in sixth grade.  My friend invited me to a sleepover at her 
home, but I was not allowed to attend.  My family and I were 
having a graduation party that weekend.  At school the next day I 
explained to my friend that I could not come to her sleepover and 
thanked her for inviting me.  Looking back on it now, I think my 
parents did the right thing by not allowing me to attend.  They 
didn't know my friend or her parents so they were protecting me 
from the unknown.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

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