[nabs-l] questions about balencing school and work and organization

Carlos Montas carlos.montas at att.net
Tue Aug 30 01:31:29 UTC 2016

Good evening to all. My name is carlos Montas. I have posted on this list before but I wanted to ask you all some questions about juggling school and work.  The first thing is that I have a full time job as a vocational rehabilitation counselor. I am in graduate school working on my massters in rehab counseling.  I find my self at the end of most days with not much energy to do school work at night. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I know that when going to school  on line organization is extremely important.  If you all have suggestions on how to deal with distractions that would help as well.  Lastly I would like to know what are some effective methods to take notes while reading books on voice stream  and or on a digital book player?  I appreciate you all taking the time to read my email.  Sincerely  Carlos Montas 4078018827 

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