[nabs-l] VoiceOver Vs. Jaws?

Sofia Gallo gopgirl73 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 21:07:36 UTC 2016

Hi everyone,

So, I am a college student currently using jaws 15 and Windows 8.1.
However, I am seriously considering switching to a mac when I have to
change my laptop so I don't have to buy the extra screen reader again.
However, I've been discouraged from doing so by people who claim that
Jaws can do more than voiceover.

So, for those who have experience with both, is there anything you
can't do with voiceover that you can do with Jaws? I have pretty
advanced computer skills and do a lot of document formatting and
internet browsing.

I use voiceover with my iphone, but I don't have to format papers and
do advanced browsing online so I don't know how voiceover works for
more "serious" stuff.

I tried to look this up online first but didn't get anything.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

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