[nabs-l] free legal copy of office 2016 pro for a blind it student and adobe cs 6

Marvin Hunkin startrekcafe at gmail.com
Sat Jul 30 12:15:45 UTC 2016

hi. a it blind student using the jaws for windows screen reader from 


and studying a diploma of software development from 


in australia. i have microsoft office 2010 pro, legally purchased. now
looking for a free upgrade to microsoft office pro 2016. where can i get it.

institution, has had major hassles getting certified from microsoft
dreamspark, and partners. not an easy process, and so in the end, they gave
up, and

not a partner any more. so, where can i get a free legal copy of office 2016
pro, and also what about adobe cs 6.0 for students, got 5.5 student premium,

but would like to upgrade free to 6.0, and is it accessible with my screen
reader? also compattible with windows 10 64 bit pro. can any one let me know

and e-mail me or reply to this. thanks. Marvin from Adelaide, Australia.

                Ps: also a free version of adobe cs, and is it accessible
with jaws?

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