[nabs-l] NABS Communications Committee meeting

Bryan Duarte (Student) Bryan.Duarte at asu.edu
Wed Sep 7 21:56:30 UTC 2016

Greetings NABS,

I would like to invite you all to the NABS Communications committee meeting that will be taking place this Sunday, September 11, at 7pm Eastern time. During the meeting we will be going over the committees plans for the year, how to get involved, and time for suggestions on how to keep our information relevant and beneficial for our students. To join the meeting call in to the NABS ConferenceLine at:
Use pin: 7869673#

Thank you all, and we look forward to our discussion this Sunday.

Bryan Duarte software engineer
ASU Computer Science Ph.D candidate
National Association of Blind Students Board Member
Communications Committee Chair
QwikEyes CEO http://www.qwikeyes.com/

“let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you, all things are passing away: God never changes. patience obtains all things. whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.”
-- St. Teresa of Avila

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