[nabs-l] "In-class" assignment

Cory McMahon cory.j.mcmahon at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 00:30:46 UTC 2017

Good evening, all:


In my "Intro to Applied Psychology" class, we have "in-class" activities for
which we receive points.


We recently turned in a research paper for the course; this paper was in APA
format. As our "in-class" activity tonight, the teacher wanted us to look at
our paper side-by-side with a correct example of an APA paper, so we can
find out what we got wrong on our paper.


I believe this requirement is unrealistic; as such, I walked out.


What would you have done in this situation? Am I correct in thinking that
this requirement is unrealistic?




Cory McMahon

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