[nabs-l] Research - Marketplace Experiences of Students

Alex Cohen ahc43 at drexel.edu
Fri Apr 21 17:22:01 UTC 2017

Good Afternoon,

I am doing a small research study as part of my dissertation examining the
marketplace experiences of students. Participants will be asked to briefly
describe a recent bad shopping experience and answer a few questions about
it. The whole thing should take less than five minutes. A donation will be
made to Stop The Hate for each fully completed survey. Thank you very much,
and please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

Here's the linke: https://drexel.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2rAOsP4P1DCtZK5




Alex H. Cohen

Ph.D. Candidate

Marketing Department

LeBow College of Business

Drexel University

3220 Market St.

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Cell: 215.292.1455< <tel:215.292.1455> tel:215.292.1455>


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