[nabs-l] Question about Braille Textbooks

Vejas Vasiliauskas alpineimagination at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 08:51:13 UTC 2017

I hope everyone is having a great 2017.  I understand that there 
is not going to be a "One-size fits all" answer to my question, 
so was just curious about what others have done.
I have 2 classes that will have Braille textbooks.  This is 
different to last semester, when I had all electronic books.
I am in a single room but regardount of rooming situations, when 
it comes to storing all the volumes of textbooks do you:
- Store all textbooks in your dorm?
- Keep the volumes you currently need in the dorm, but keep the 
rest in the DSS office?
Or any other method?
Also, do you email the teacher ahead of time to ask which pages 
will be used?
Any ideas would be great.

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