[nabs-l] Deadline on Sunday: BMRC Summer Short-Term Fellowship Program 2017

Kathryn Webster, NABS President nabs.president at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 17:10:11 UTC 2017



2017 BMRC Summer Short-Term Fellowship Program is available for the International students who are engaged as; scholars, artists, writers, and public historians from the United States and Europe to better formulate new historical narratives of Chicago’s past.


Fellowship: BMRC Summer Short-Term Fellowship Program


Eligibility: International students             


Application Deadline: January 15, 2017


Award: $4000 for 12-15 fellows each year


Application Link: BMRC Summer Short-Term Fellowship Program <http://bit.ly/2jesnw6> 


Good luck,

Kathryn Webster

President | National Association of Blind Students

National Federation of the Blind

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