[NABS-L] Reminder: NABS Membership Call

Kenia Flores kenia.flores101 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 21:02:15 UTC 2018

Good afternoon, fellow students,

I hope you are all doing well and are looking
forward to Washington Seminar. The Legislative Advocacy and Outreach
Committees are working together to prepare students for meetings on
the Hill. We will be hosting two membership calls. The first call will
take place tomorrow, Sunday, January 21 at 8pm eastern, and the second call
will take place on Tuesday, January 23 at 8pm eastern.
The call-in number is 712-770-5197, and the access code is 265669. We
look forward to speaking with you on our membership calls taking place tomorrow and on January 23rd.

Kenia Flores

Kenia Flores
Furman University '20
Department of Politics and International Affairs
President | North Carolina Association of Blind Students
Co-chair | National Association of Blind Students Legislative Advocacy Committee
kenia.flores at furman.edu

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