[NABS-L] CABS Call Tonight

Matthew Gip matthewhgip at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 17:32:55 UTC 2018

Dear students, 

Join us tonight at 8 pm as the California Association of Blind Students will have our monthly board meeting. We will be discussing our first ever spring reception in beautiful Los Angeles. Come join us to find out more! 

We will be switching to the NABS line for now.
Call 712-770-5197, followed by access code 265669

P.S Thank you to our good friends from the NABS board for allowing us to use their line until our own line gets fixed.

Best regards, 
Matthew Gip
President, California Association of Blind Students 
A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind of California 
Phone: (559) 375-2068
Email: matthewhgip at gmail.com
Live The Life You Want!

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