[NABS-L] Reminder: Diversity & Inclusion committee call tonight at 8pm Eastern

Kenia Flores-Student kenia.flores at furman.edu
Sun Aug 4 17:03:46 UTC 2019

Good afternoon students,

I hope you are all doing well and eagerly anticipating the beginning of a new school year.
The NABS Diversity and Inclusion committee invites you to our first committee call tonight at 8pm eastern. We are committed to diversity and inclusion efforts, but we cannot do this without input from our members. We invite you to join us tonight and let us know how you believe we can be a more inclusive division. Please call 712-770-5197, and enter access code 265669.
We look forward to speaking with you all tonight!

Kenia Flores

Kenia Flores
Furman University '20
Departments of Politics & International Affairs and History
2nd Vice President | National Association of Blind Students
President | North Carolina Association of Blind Students
(704) 476-6629
Kenia.flores at furman.edu

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