[NABS-L] Virtual Meeting

Selvin Linder sflinder775 at access.alamancecc.edu
Mon Feb 25 02:23:20 UTC 2019

HI NABS Students:

This is a friendly reminder that the website is for any youth leaders who
want to help others with disabilities. We will discuss it more at the
virtual meeting on Wednesday. You may also get the news letter next week
and the recording of the meeting. Stay tuned for updates. Chris I did not
give much detail yesterday about the meeting. I am only responsible for
controlling the system and making sure everyone can have a chance to talk
and state their issues.

If you want to know about what we will be discussing. Contacting Mrs.
Jeanie Moran at jeanine.shabazzcenter at gmail.com she is in charge of the
meeting. I don't know if you got enough information from the website. Guys
do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am more than happy to answer any
questions you may have.

linder.selvin23 at gmail.com
yeagroup21 at gmail.com

*Selvin Linder  *

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