Kathryn Webster, National Student President
nabs.president at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 01:56:23 UTC 2020
Good afternoon NABS family,
During these trying times and added moments of anxiety, boredom, or too much stress, we must appreciate what we do have. Not to sound too cliché, but we’ve got a family right here. To that end, the NABS Board is excited to announce our weekly Zoom chats on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays…EVERY SINGLE WEEK UNTIL THE END OF MAY!!! Think book club, free yoga, chill nights, and so much more! Exciting, right? Read on…
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 614 307 0858
One tap mobile
These will take place at 8pm eastern every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday for the next two months…and maybe longer! So, save the above info in your contacts. 😊 Want to relax for an hour, unwind, and just spend time with friends and new people who are pretty awesome? Check out our weekly topics below!
Tuesdays at 8pm eastern
Yoga/Fitness (accessible style!)
Wednesdays at 8pm eastern
Blind Student Soundboard
Bring your accessibility barriers, your advocacy concerns, or just something you’d like to vent about! We are here for you; and ready to trouble-shoot ways to improve whatever obstacle you are facing.
Thursdays at 8pm eastern
Book Club
We will announce the official list this coming Thursday, but join our first chat to brainstorm the upcoming two months’ plans, as well as share your ideas of awesome books! This is relaxing, thought-provoking, and a needed break.
Saturdays at 8pm eastern
Chill night
…enough said! Games, movies, fun, and interaction with your friends!
Ideas? Want to help out? Email or call me and I’d love to get you involved in engaging our community during this time!!
See you tomorrow night at yoga!
Kathryn Webster – she/her/hers
President, National Association of Blind Students
A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind
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