[NABS-L] board position 4
Trisha Kulkarni
trishak.nfb at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 19:18:17 UTC 2020
Dear Students,
I hope this message finds you well during what continues to be a unique time in history. With the close of convention and the appointment of our final board member last night, the 2020 National Association of Blind Students Board is officially in office. This is certainly not what I envisioned my first contact with the membership to be as President, but to me, it is important to address the ongoing conversations on our list serve and social media to ensure that full transparency remains at the core of our movement and that every student knows they have a voice.
I want to thank you for your engagement in this year’s election process. It was clear from the moment that our convention went virtual that we would be navigating a difficult set of circumstances if board vacancies occurred. Kathryn worked closely with the board and national leadership to do what she felt was the most fair, and per the discussion and vote on Wednesday night, our membership agreed to move forward with a Google form vote for board position 3 and an appointment by the current President for board position 4. I want to be clear that the announcement made by Kathryn last night that was sent out on the list serve and social media was made by the 2019 to 2020 board, and her decision on the new leadership is final and non-negotiable.
That being said, our work as an organization is strongly rooted in the voices of each of you as members, and I want to make sure that we use the experiences and frustrations from this week to be more unified moving forward:
Communication: I appreciate that we have outlets to connect and discuss as a membership. However, the conversations I have seen occurring over the past day in these spaces have simply not been productive. In the process of determining a plan of action, we as leadership did not receive any direct communication from any students, but rather public statements of distaste. I ask that you all feel comfortable reaching out to me and the rest of the NABS Board if you have questions, concerns, or ideas about any of the work that we do. Most importantly, direct communication is key for enacting change. I am available by phone at 937-361-2363 and for now by email at trishak.nfb at gmail.com.
Our NABS Constitution: I am working quickly and diligently to get the NABS Constitution with the amendment from 2017 onto our website and know that it is a priority of ours to ensure that you have full access to the governing principles of this organization. We have been facing challenges due to some updates that need to be made to our server by the national office, but I assure you that this concern of the membership is fully valid and will be resolved as soon as possible.
The Importance of Active Participation: Finally, I want to reiterate that none of what we do in NABS is possible without all of you. It is important that you get connected, get involved, and get to know us as an organization. That is the best way to make sure that we keep up the awesome momentum that we have and are able to problem solve together when faced with challenges.
Myself and the rest of the NABS Board is incredibly excited to get to work, and I want to thank you for putting your trust in us to lead this effort forward with integrity.
Trisha Kulkarni
President | National Association of Blind Students
A Proud Division of the National Federation of the Blind
> On Jul 19, 2020, at 3:08 PM, Naim Abu-ElHawa via NABS-L <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi. From my understanding, and from what I have reviewed of this email
> thread, nobody has made, and nobody should be making, personal attacks. It
> clearly appears that there are folks reflecting on how the process took
> place and speaking out as to how they would have approached the situation
> differently. I do believe we have to welcome our new incoming board and
> officers, but I believe discussion is always welcomed in a democratic
> setting. Tyler, you make a good point and indicating that we should be the
> change we wish to see. This is great stuff. Thank you for that amazing
> input. In that, we should reflect on how to better handle virtual voting
> situations, as was very well handled at yesterday‘s later general session.
> Take care. Many thanks and much respect.
> Sincerely,
> Naim Muawia Abu-El Hawa
>> On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 11:19 AM Littlefield, Tyler via NABS-L <
>> nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> At some point in your life--when you hold a position with power and have
>> to make tough decisions, I hope you think back on all of your personal
>> attacks on Kathryn. No one is perfect. As a leader, you have to make
>> decisions that impact an organization as a whole, and you have to hope
>> that your prior leadership and work will stand for something. I find it
>> more than a bit sad that all of her work, effort, leadership and time
>> seems to have been forgotten.
>> TL/DR: people make mistakes, sometimes people don't make the best calls
>> under pressure. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but give that
>> some thought before you continue to hurl your insults and personal
>> attacks. The current decision now has been made and we're not going
>> back. So, I say that if this was a problem, if you disagree with the way
>> this decision happened, be the change you want to see. Get in touch with
>> one of the current officers or board members listed, drive some effort
>> forward to create a plan for how to handle this next time. It takes
>> minimal effort to write a smug snarky email (yes, I did just write
>> that), it takes a lot more to create the change you are complaining about.
>>> On 7/19/2020 2:36 AM, JASON ALAMILLO via NABS-L wrote:
>>> I do wonder why the national association of blind students president in
>> 2017 didn’t update the website with the new constitution in 2017 when the
>> new constitution was made? It seems a bit shady and defensive to be using
>> that as an excuse when we can poke many holes through it if you ask me.
>>>> On Jul 18, 2020, at 4:11 PM, Nico Petrillo via NABS-L <
>> nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>> It seems I am wrong. My mistake, believing that the constitution that
>> is public to all was the one we operated off of. If the constitution is not
>> public and its most current state how can you expect Voters To be properly
>> informed of the rules and regulations of the organization. It strikes me
>> that in the situation Kathryns decision is final duping members into voting
>> for some thing without proper information in my opinion is deplorable.both
>> as a member and as a concerned party I hope that this updated constitution
>> will be Publicized in the future, so that students aren’t taken advantage
>> of because of their ignorance.
>>>> Humbly,
>>>> Nick Petrillo
>>>> He/him/his
>>>> Virginia Association of Blind Students| President
>>>> 703-346-9981
>>>>> On Jul 18, 2020, at 6:54 PM, Kathryn Webster, National Student
>> President <nabs.president at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Nick and all,
>>>>> I appreciate the open dialogue on this issue. I do, however, think
>> that the back-and-forth is not helpful, and instead harmful to our members.
>> I say this because our membership voted on Wednesday night in support of
>> the decision made to allow me, as the current president at that moment, to
>> appoint the final seat. Full disclosure, there was not any opposition to
>> this decision at all. If there was, I promise it would have been addressed.
>> Nothing was rushed and nothing was pushed under the rug. The motion to
>> close discussion and proceed as I outlined was moved, seconded, and voted
>> on by our membership prior to adjournment.
>>>>> Nick - The link you posted to our national student division
>> constitution is out of date as we voted in 2017 to allow for officers to be
>> elected on the even year and board members to be elected during the odd
>> years. This is not reflected on the online version, though is reflected
>> below. There have been technical difficulties with our web site for quite
>> some time as the late Rachel Olivero was a big asset to our national
>> student division site, so bear with us as we merge into the updated NFB
>> server and site in the coming months. To that end, you will find the most
>> updated constitution below, the one voted on during our 2017 annual
>> business meeting. This has different information around when leaders are
>> elected. The board begins collectively once all positions are made final.
>> This is interpretation, so I will choose not to argue with those who
>> disagree. I also offered the idea around the final appointment and this was
>> moved by all present and choosing to vote.
>>>>> I do want to note that the Constitution will not have a line item that
>> reads that the president can do a specific action. Our organization instead
>> puts a tremendous amount of trust in our presidents across the board. That
>> means, executive decisions are made often in order to move our organization
>> forward. We are living in unprecedented times right now. Six months ago, no
>> one could have imagined voting virtually for NABS. Generally speaking,
>> voting for NABS brings about a ton of emotions and perspectives in and of
>> itself. Again, our membership voted on the decision that I would make the
>> final appointment. There was not any disagreement during our annual regular
>> business meeting. I appreciate the ideas for holding special meetings or
>> opening a Google form. I also appreciate the thoughts that are shared
>> around how you are feeling with the decision that was made. Since our
>> members voted on said decision and since we are now nearing the end of our
>> convention, this is how we plan to proceed for the benefit of the National
>> Association of Blind Students.
>>>>> It is unfortunate that not all decisions can be favored by all, though
>> I really did think this one was until concerns were surfaced yesterday and
>> today.
>>>>> Please find our Constitution below:
>>>>> The name of this organization is the National Association of Blind
>> Students.
>>>>> The purpose of the National Association of Blind Students is to
>> function as a mechanism through which blind students and interested sighted
>> persons can come together in local, state and national meetings to plan and
>> carry out our programs to improve educational and equality of life for the
>> blind; to provide a means of collective action for blind students; to
>> promote the educational, vocational, economic, cultural, and social
>> advancement of the blind; to strengthen and enhance educational programs
>> for the blind; to take such other action as will improve the overall
>> condition and standard of living of the blind; and to participate as an
>> integral part of the National Federation of the Blind in its various
>> activities.
>>>>> Article III. Membership
>>>>> Section 1. -- Members
>>>>> At least a majority of the active members of this organization must be
>> blind. Any student, or anyone interested in the pursuit of studies may
>> become an active member of this association, provided that such person
>> meets the eligibility requirements for membership in the National
>> Federation of the Blind.
>>>>> Section 2. -- expulsion
>>>>> Any person who has been expelled by the National Federation of the
>> Blind shall automatically cease to be a member of this Association. Any
>> member of this organization may be expelled for misconduct, or for activity
>> unbecoming to a member of this organization by a two-thirds vote of the
>> active members present and voting at a regular or special meeting of this
>> association, or by a two-thirds vote of the board of directors of this
>> organization subject to ratification by the general membership.
>>>>> Section 3. -- reinstatement of membership
>>>>> A person may be reinstated to membership in this organization by a
>> two-thirds vote of the active members present and voting at a regular or
>> special meeting of this Association, or by a two-thirds vote of its board
>> of directors, provided that such person meets the eligibility requirements
>> for membership or for reinstatement to membership in the National
>> Federation of the Blind.
>>>>> ARTICLE IV. Officers and Their Duties
>>>>> There shall be elected at the annual meeting of this organization: in
>> each even numbered year, a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice
>> President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary, and in each odd numbered year four
>> (4) board members, designated as Board Member one, board member two, Board
>> Member three, and board member four. The terms of these officers and board
>> members shall begin at the close of the meeting at which they are elected
>> and qualified. The President and Vice Presidents of this organization must
>> be blind. Officers and board members shall be elected by a majority vote of
>> the members of this Association present and voting. All officers and board
>> members must be in school for one year following their election. There
>> shall be no proxy votes.
>>>>> If no nominee receives a majority vote on the first ballot, the name
>> of the person receiving the fewest votes shall be dropped from the list of
>> nominees and a second ballot shall be taken. This procedure shall continue
>> until one of the nominees receives a majority vote. These officers and
>> board members constitute the board of directors for this Association. The
>> officers and board members are authorized to conduct such business as is
>> necessary for the normal operation of this Association between the annual
>> regular meetings of the Association. The duties of each officer and board
>> member shall be those ordinarily associated with the office.
>>>>> ARTICLE V. Meetings.
>>>>> This Association will meet twice a year in conjunction with the annual
>> convention of the National Federation of the Blind and the Washington
>> Seminar of the National Federation of the Blind. � Special meetings may be
>> called by the President of the Association, or by most of the board of
>> directors to transact business or otherwise to further the purposes of this
>> Association.
>>>>> ARTICLE VI. Committees
>>>>> The President may appoint such committees as they or the members of
>> the Association deem necessary.
>>>>> ARTICLE VII. Dues
>>>>> The dues of this Association shall be $5.00 per year payable in
>> advance.
>>>>> ARTICLE VIII. Disbursement of Funds
>>>>> The funds of this organization shall be deposited in a bank to be
>> selected by the Treasurer with the approval of the President. All financial
>> obligations of this organization shall be discharged by check issued on
>> order of the President and signed by the Treasurer or the President.
>>>>> ARTICLE IX. Affiliation
>>>>> The National Association of Blind Students is a division of the
>> National Federation of the Blind. The Association shall furnish to the
>> President of the National Federation of the Blind, a copy of this
>> constitution and any amendments that may be adopted in the future, and the
>> names and addresses of the members and elected officers. This organization
>> will comply with the provisions of the constitution of the National
>> Federation of the Blind. In the event of the reorganization of this
>> Association, the assets of this organization belong to the reorganized
>> Association, and the former Association shall dissolve and cease to exist.
>>>>> ARTICLE X. Dissolution
>>>>> In the event of dissolution of this Association, or for whatever
>> reason it ceases to be a division of the National Federation of the Blind,
>> its assets shall be distributed to the National Federation of the Blind to
>> be held in trust for a reorganized division of the National Federation of
>> the Blind.
>>>>> If no division is organized for a one-year period from the date this
>> Association ceases to be a division of the National Federation of the
>> Blind, the assets become the property of the National Federation of the
>> Blind.
>>>>> ARTICLE XI. Amendments
>>>>> This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the
>> Association by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members
>> present and voting, provided the amendment has been submitted to the
>> President in writing, at least one day in advance of the regular meeting.
>>>>> Love,
>>>>> Kathryn Webster
>>>>> President, National Association of Blind Students
>>>>> From: Nico Petrillo <mrnicopetrillo at gmail.com>
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2020 6:36 PM
>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list <
>> nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> Cc: Nabs.president at gmail.com; Justin Young <jty727 at gmail.com>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [NABS-L] board position 4
>>>>> As a state student division president I also agree having state
>> student division presidents vote is not the way to go. Imposing a deadline
>> like this is creating the issues at hand. Simply call a special meeting to
>> vote on board member for when it is convenient to the new board. I want to
>> reiterate I’m not questioning anyone’s ethics or intentions just that we
>> abide by our constitution. Below is the link to the constitution that is
>> public on a Our student division website.
>>>>> http://nabslink.org/about/constitution
>>>>> Nick Petrillo
>>>>> He/him/his
>>>>> Virginia Association of Blind Students| President
>>>>> 703-346-9981
>>>>> On Jul 18, 2020, at 6:27 PM, Justin Young via NABS-L <
>> nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> Thank you Kathryn for your detailed response outlining the rationale
>>>>> behind the decisions made for the annual NABS business meeting & our
>>>>> elections. I support the decision made and the reasons presented.
>>>>> I have heard a few times now the idea of having Student Division State
>>>>> Presidents as delegates, but until there is a students division in all
>>>>> 52 affiliates, this would never be a fair method or respectful to all
>>>>> NABS members because their voices might be lost using that kind of
>>>>> system.
>>>>> Thanks & I look forward to hearing the result of the Outgoing/Incoming
>>>>> Board & Nominating committee for which student will fill this vacancy.
>>>>> Justin Young
>>>>> President, New York Association of Blind Students
>>>>> On 7/18/20, Kathryn Webster, National Student President via NABS-L
>>>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> First and foremost, thank you so much for surfacing your concerns on a
>>>>> public platform. I applaud you for exercising your voice in this
>> format. I
>>>>> want to clearly explain voting protocol so there is full transparency.
>> I
>>>>> also want to highlight that these concerns should have been brought up
>> on
>>>>> Wednesday night, as we felt comfortable and confident in the decision
>> made
>>>>> upon adjournment. If that was not the case, I wish we could have openly
>>>>> talked about it regardless of the time. I hope you understand that I
>> am a
>>>>> fair leader, one in which values each of your ideas, contributions, and
>>>>> opinions. To that end, I only want full transparency, fairness, and
>> honesty.
>>>>> I do not say this to be defensive, I only mention it because I tried
>> to make
>>>>> it as clear as possible that I am open to alternative ideas, not only
>> the
>>>>> executive decision I made. The entire board would have stayed on Zoom
>> ready
>>>>> to go name by name down our registration list if that is the direction
>> that
>>>>> made the most sense. As I'm sure you can imagine, this is a tough
>> situation
>>>>> to be in, given the circumstances.
>>>>> Each year, we initially rely on voice vote to conduct elections. This
>>>>> proceeds to a standing vote if the voice vote does not suffice in
>> making a
>>>>> clear decision. Any member elected must receive a majority vote of the
>>>>> active members present and voting. If there are more than two members
>>>>> seeking a given position, then we proceed in the following way. We
>> would
>>>>> take a voice vote, dropping the candidate who received the least
>> amount of
>>>>> votes. We would then conduct another voice vote, dropping the
>> individual who
>>>>> received the least amount of votes that time around. This continues
>> until
>>>>> there are two candidates remaining. Again, a majority of votes must be
>>>>> received in order to be fairly and constitutionally elected.
>>>>> This year is different due to the virtual environment. A Google form
>> would
>>>>> have to be distributed at least four times to the hundreds of members
>> to
>>>>> ensure it is done fairly. On the other hand, the final seat is a 1-year
>>>>> position this time around, as it was vacated by a board member who was
>>>>> elected to an officer position. To be completely honest, as president,
>> I
>>>>> could have appointed all three vacated board positions from a
>> constitutional
>>>>> perspective. I did not feel comfortable doing that as the voice of the
>>>>> membership is critical in our movement.
>>>>> While we all have extremely passionate emotions around what completes a
>>>>> great NABS Board, I promise that my heart is in the right place in
>> making
>>>>> this decision. Diversity matters. Experience matters. Balance matters.
>> I am
>>>>> working with the outgoing and incoming NABS Board to make the wisest
>> and
>>>>> most appropriate decision for the future of NABS. I also am working
>> with our
>>>>> trusted Nominating Committee to be intentional, aware, and proactive.
>> This
>>>>> means, everyone's opinion matters. However, this also means that a
>>>>> discussion on the NABS list or on Facebook does not compare, even
>> slightly,
>>>>> to allowing for an open forum during our annual business meeting.
>> Leaning on
>>>>> student state delegates who were present excludes all states that were
>> not
>>>>> on at 11:30pm. Not to mention not all states have delegates to
>> represent
>>>>> you. Taking a vote via Google form is not logistically feasible given
>> the
>>>>> protocol that is needed to follow voting procedures. As president, I
>> have
>>>>> the right to proceed in this way, as long as I am being ethical and
>>>>> intentional. All members who ran for Board Member 3 or Board Member 4
>> are
>>>>> prioritized for consideration, without a doubt.
>>>>> I am saddened that members are not feeling that I am proceeding as you
>> would
>>>>> prefer. I also hope that you can trust that my opinion is not the only
>> one
>>>>> that is being taken into account. As we are seeing at General Session
>> right
>>>>> now, sometimes the virtual space forces us to make decisions that were
>> not
>>>>> initially planned. Our NABS board put in a ton of thought and
>> intention as
>>>>> we discussed the mitigation strategies for elections this year. Not to
>>>>> mention, many divisions opted to not hold elections this year; and
>> instead
>>>>> continue with the current board until next year. We did not agree with
>> that
>>>>> approach, and thus problem solved ways to be most fair.
>>>>> I appreciate you reading and truly hope that you feel empowered to
>> call me
>>>>> to discuss if you continue to have concerns. I value you; I appreciate
>> you;
>>>>> and, at the end of the day, we need you.
>>>>> Love,
>>>>> Kathryn Webster
>>>>> President, National Association of Blind Students
>>>>> 203-273-8463
>>>>> Nabs.president at gmail.com
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: NABS-L <nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Victor Marques
>> via
>>>>> NABS-L
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2020 5:16 PM
>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list <
>> nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> Cc: Victor Marques <therealvictormarques at gmail.com>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [NABS-L] board position 4
>>>>> I too was dissatisfied with the choice to simply appoint board member
>> 4.
>>>>> Those who expressed an interest at the meeting, and the individual who
>> was
>>>>> not successful for board position 3, should be put into a 5 way Google
>> Form
>>>>> vote. It would be easy to cross-reference membership and tally votes.
>> Should
>>>>> the be a tie for positions 1 and 2, that could be decided by a second
>> vote.
>>>>> That’s the democratic way I would have handled this, Google Forms is
>>>>> perfectly capable as a tool to manage this election.
>>>>> I’m glad I am not the only one who felt this way. I felt this was
>> pushed
>>>>> through without voting on the rules of engagement or without adequate
>>>>> discussion.
>>>>> Victor Marques
>>>>> NABS Member
>>>>> On Jul 18, 2020, at 5:06 PM, Keri Svendsen via NABS-L <
>> nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I think this is reasonable.
>>>>> On 7/18/2020 4:40 PM, Zachary GriegoDreicer via NABS-L wrote:
>>>>> Hello, I hope everyone is enjoying convention. I've had a number of
>>>>> people talking on facebook and to me directly that we don't approve of
>>>>> the handling of the voting of board position 4. There has been
>>>>> significant discussion of this topic and I think that the discussion
>>>>> should be opened to all NABS members. I think it only fair that
>> everyone
>>>>> who ran for other board positions, and were not elected, should be
>>>>> allowed to run again for said position. Further, any dues paying member
>>>>> should be able to vote for the student they believe the best to serve
>> in
>>>>> this role. I propose that a second google form be created for this
>>>>> purpose. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the general convention
>> would
>>>>> run perhaps by raising hands in zoom or something similar to fill all
>>>>> positions....I think we will find out soon enough if my thought process
>>>>> is correct. Thus, in fairness to all involved, I would like to suggest
>>>>> that position 4 be elected by google forms or other fair form of
>> voting.
>>>>> I would love everyone's input. Thanks all for your consideration.
>>>>> Sent from my BrailleNote touch
>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Keri Svendsen
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>> --
>> Take Care,
>> Tyler Littlefield (he/him/his)
>> Tyler Littlefield Consulting: website development and business
>> solutions. <http://tylerlittlefield.me> My personal site
>> <http://tysdomain.com> My Linkedin
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/ty-lerlittlefield> @Sorressean on Twitter
>> <http://twitter.com/sorressean>
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