[NABS-L] Reminder: NABS Graduation Celebration Form Closing Tomorrow, June 1!

Kenia Flores-Student kenia.flores at furman.edu
Mon Jun 1 00:52:00 UTC 2020

Hello NABS family,

We hope this message finds you safe and healthy.
We recognize the past few months have been quite a challenge for many of us. NABS has been continuously impressed with the resilience and dedication put forth by our members.
NABS wishes to celebrate the class of 2020 through a virtual celebration on Saturday, June 6 from 5:00-6:00pm eastern standard time. We understand we cannot fully replace the commencement you deserve, but we wish to celebrate this incredible milestone with you during our celebration and through social media "Senior Salutes." NABS has been an integral part of our success, so it is only fitting that we celebrate with our Federation family. We simply ask that any graduating student register at the link below on or before June 1. All are welcome to attend the celebration; however, only graduates are asked to register.
Please find the graduation celebration details below and share them with anyone who may be interested in participating. Please reach out to Kenia Flores (kenia.flores at furman.edu<mailto:kenia.flores at furman.edu>) with any questions or concerns. NABS and President Riccobono cannot wait to celebrate this milestone with you on June 6!

Form for the class of 2020 (to be completed by June 1):

NABS Graduation Celebration

When: Saturday, June 6, 2020
Time: 5:00-6:00pm Eastern Standard Time
Where: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 467 883 3687
One tap mobile

Kenia Flores

Kenia A. Flores
Furman University '20
Department of Politics & International Affairs
2nd Vice President | National Association of Blind Students
(704) 476-6629
Kenia.flores at furman.edu

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