[NABS-L] You're Invited: NABS 2020 Graduation Celebration

Kenia Flores-Student kenia.flores at furman.edu
Fri May 15 04:19:06 UTC 2020

Good evening fellow students and recent graduates,

I hope you are doing well as we head into the summer months.
It is one of the greatest times of the year-that's right-graduation season! NABS wishes to celebrate the class of 2020 through a virtual ceremony and spotlights on our social media channels leading up to our celebration on June 6. Please complete our form by June 1 if you wish to be recognized during our virtual celebration.
We cannot wait to celebrate this incredible milestone with you, and we hope you will join us on June 6th. Please read below regarding the celebration details.

NABS Graduation Celebration

When: Saturday, June 6, 2020
Time: 5:00-6:00pm Eastern Standard Time
Where: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 467 883 3687
One tap mobile

Please contact Kenia Flores (kenia.flores at furman.edu) if you have any questions or concerns.



Kenia A. Flores
Furman University '20
Department of Politics & International Affairs
2nd Vice President | National Association of Blind Students
(704) 476-6629
Kenia.flores at furman.edu

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