[NABS-L] Methods To Electronically Read And Write Mathematics

Louis Maher ljmaher03 at outlook.com
Wed Nov 4 14:40:34 UTC 2020


On Saturday November 7, 2020, at 10 AM Central Standard Time (CDT), Dr. Neil Soiffer will give a talk on "Methods for The Blind to Electronically Read and Write Mathematics from Primary School Through College" to the NFB of Texas 2020 state convention
"https://www.nfbtx.org/events.php?id=65". Dr. Soiffer will have a question and answer session at 4 PM CDT that afternoon.

The Zoom links are:

10:00 - 10:20 AM -        Methods for The Blind to Electronically Read and Write Mathematics from Primary School Through College

Neil Soiffer, Ph.D., Owner

Talking Cat Software

Join 281 968 7733<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2819687733?pwd=ZlVrOEdSWHduTG00aW9UY0JVRmxVdz09>

One tap mobile


4:00-4:30 PM - Q&A About Electronic Math with Dr. Soiffer

Join 831 4961 7704<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83149617704?pwd=dk1qT04yVkVYcjJ0T09DMUZMQkxJQT09>

One tap mobile

+13462487799,, 83149617704#

If you use a mobile phone or landline and are asked for a passcode, use 2020.

The numbers by the meetings are the Zoom meeting IDS.  They are also direct links to the Zoom meetings.


Zoom Link Explanation

Zoom Links & One Tap Numbers

Links to each of the scheduled sessions can be found in the section of the agenda devoted to that particular workshop or session. Those links should work if you are joining via a computer or a tablet. If you are joining via a landline, you can dial 346-248-7799 and use the meeting ID. The meeting ID is the number you will see on the Zoom link that appears for the session you wish to attend. (Example: A Conversation with TWC may say, "Join 281 968 7733". This is a hyperlink for those who wish to join via computer or tablet, but the number in the link is the meeting ID, which someone dialing from a phone can use to log in. We have also posted one tap links for mobile users.

Louis Maher
Phone: 713-444-7838
E-mail ljmaher03 at outlook.com<mailto:ljmaher03 at outlook.com>

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