[NABS-L] Is Logitec G HUB accessible + does anyone have USB mic recommendations?

Gene Kim gene.sh.kim at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 00:00:28 UTC 2020


I hope you had a restful, enjoyable, and delicious Thanksgiving! I've been
looking into getting a new USB microphone for a few personal projects that
involve voice over, and I was wondering if folks had any recommendations.
I'd be happy to hear thoughts on other USB mics, but I'm particularly
interested to know if people have used the Blue Yeti X along with the
Logitech G HUB software that is paired with it. Is this software accessible
with JAWS? If not, I'll likely choose the standard Blue Yeti instead unless
folks have other better recommendations.

Thanks for any input!

Gene Sung-Ho Kim | B.S. Candidate | Stanford University
Social Media Coordinator | National Association of Blind Students
Secretary | California Association of Blind Students

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