[NABS-L] REMINDER: Legislative & Self Advocacy Committee Meeting Sun 10/18 at 8 PM ET

Justin Salisbury PRESIDENT at alumni.ecu.edu
Sun Oct 18 03:31:02 UTC 2020

Aloha, students!

Here is a draft agenda for tomorrow's meeting:

I.	Call to Order
II.	Member Introductions
III.	One Minute Video Contest: Instructional Material Accessibility Stories
a.	Parameters for the contest
b.	Choosing a name for the contest
c.	Choosing deadlines
d.	Choosing how people will submit them so that we can use the files
e.	Choosing the judges
f.	Choosing the prizes
IV.	Self-Advocacy Programming
a.	Possibly resuming NABS Soundboard
i.	Staffed by one NABS Board Member OR an LSAC Co-Chair, plus one member of the LSAC
ii.	Once per week
iii.	Assign leaders of calls at every LSAC monthly meeting 
iv.	If the Committee wants to do this, the Chair will approach the Board about it. 
b.	Dedicating half of committee calls to self-advocacy topics and open mic for concerns
i.	If we do this, we will spend some time on each call collecting suggestions for upcoming presenters.
V.	Old Business
VI.	New Business
VII.	Adjournment

To join us, please use the following information:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 467 883 3687
It spells GO STUDENTS on a phone keypad.
One Tap Mobile

Talk soon!


Justin Mark Hideaki Salisbury

Second Vice President | National Association of Blind Students
   A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind
(808) 797-8606
president at alumni.ecu.edu | www.nabslink.org

If you need help with a current accessibility barrier in school, visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXoK5sWCpBjvAu4EMOANUufEoJPyUlu4QeJnMB6pIdeohmsg/viewform  

If you have a story about an accessibility barrier you faced in higher education, please tell your story here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf68TacBetKMAHZcMhGJLmYgeWDIjjpSm9Sz1OUwYKxzsIEAg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

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