[NABS-L] NABS Nuggets Recipe Submission REMINDER!

Logan Stenzel stenzellogan at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 15:56:49 UTC 2021

Hey all,

I don't know about everyone else, but I am always hungry, and I could
really go for some NABS Nuggets right about now. That's why I need your
help. The Fundraising Committee and Diversity and Inclusion Committee need
recipe submissions for our cookbook! We are aiming to show off the
authentic culinary creations of our membership. So if you have a recipe you
want to share, submit it to the following form:
https://forms.gle/F3fGbHsP2FUWqGoY8. Don't stress too much over what recipe
you submit; if it is something you enjoy, submit it! If you have any
questions at all, don't hesitate to reach out to me at
stenzellogan at gmail.com.


Logan Stenzel

NABS Fundraising Committee Cochair

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