[NABS-L] NABS August 2021 Membership Call: Overcoming the unique challenges of going back to in-person schooling

Kinshuk Tella kinshuk.tella at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 12:00:00 UTC 2021


Please join us as we kick off our first of many monthly membership calls on
Sunday, August 22nd, at 9 pm eastern.

We will be joined by several outstanding guests, who will offer their
perspectives and advice on navigating the challenges that come with going
back to in-person courses, living on or near campus, and taking care of
yourself during this drastic lifestyle change. Come share and engage in a
discussion geared towards talking about the specific challenges we as blind
students may face in these environments.

The first half of the call will be used to discuss a few prepared questions
about a variety of topics from mental health to social life on campus.
Following that, the second half of the call will be allocated to talking
about the unique questions or topics that you as the audience have to

We assure you that this will be a great opportunity to hear and learn about
some of the topics that are often not talked about when the conversation of
going back to in-person schooling is discussed, taking on the focus of a
blind student's experiences.

When: August 22nd at 9 pm eastern


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Meeting ID: 467 883 3687

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Kinshuk Tella

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