[NABS-L] Has Anyone Ever Used a Financial Calculator?

nspohn0 at gmail.com nspohn0 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 21:40:48 UTC 2021

Hi All,


I am taking an introductory level finance course next semester. My professor
is recommending all students to purchase the TI-BAII Plus. My college's
disability office found a product for visually impaired users that emulates
the recommended device:  


The BA II PLUST Emulator Software emulates the
9lZBsjlNZhPT3DONdeIeWSI%3D&reserved=0> BA II PlusT Professional Financial
Calculator (requires letter on letterhead stating for visually impaired

. ViewPlus Technologies, Inc.

This company has developed a WindowsR Application called Accessible Graphing
Calculator for blind and dyslexic users. It displays the calculator on the
computer monitor, and audibly announces all functions and results. Graphs
can be displayed as audible tone plots. A 30-day fully functional copy is
available at
d=0> http://www.viewplus.com .


Has anyone either used this specific calculator or the software above? Are
there any accessible financial calculators out there? I never took a finance
course before, so I was surprised to hear that I need a specific calculator
for finance calculations.


Thank You,




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