[NABS-L] Register to March Towards your Authentic Self at the NABS Midwest Seminar

Logan Stenzel stenzellogan at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 20:28:50 UTC 2021

Hello NABS Nation,

It’s hard to believe, but the first month of 2021 is coming to a close, and
I hope all of you are off to a great start! NABS wants to make sure that
you can be your best self throughout 2021 and beyond. That’s why we are so
excited for our Midwest Student Seminar this year, “Marching Towards Your
Authenticity.” Occurring on March 19th and 20th, the seminar will help give
students the tools to embody their true self in all facets of life. The
seminar will be jam-packed with interactive activities, guest speakers, and
opportunities to grow while reaffirming elements of our authenticity. As a
student division, we are only as good as the students in our movement. We
are lucky to have such a great membership and want to ensure that every one
of our members is in touch with the authenticity that makes NABS such a
powerful conduit for student voices.

You have one more month to “march” on over to the following link
https://bit.ly/3aWzbZL to register for our weekend of fun and growth before
the registration deadline of March 1st. Register early to make sure you
join our march towards a harmony of authentic student voices. If you know
anyone else who may be interested please spread the word! Attached to this
email is a flyer you can share with people.

NABS in no way, shape, or form want finances to deter student attendance.
If the $25 registration fee stands in the way of your attendance or if you
have additional questions about the registration process, please don’t
hesitate to reach out to NABS First Vice President, Kenia Flores, at
kflores at keniaflores.com

Tomorrow is the first day of Black History Month, so in the words of Mae C.
Jemison, the first female African American astronaut, “Never be limited by
other people’s limited imaginations. If you adopt their attitudes, then the
possibility won’t exist because you’ll have already shut it out.”


Logan Stenzel
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