[NABS-L] Come celebrate pride month with the Illinois Affiliate

Sara Luna sol.sky.luna at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 02:18:04 UTC 2021

Hey y’all, if you’re free this Wednesday at 7 PM, the Illinois diversity and inclusion committee would love to welcome you to our event to celebrate pride month.  
Come celebrate pride month with the Illinois  diversity and inclusion committee as they host a viewing of the PBS documentary Growing Up Trans with a discussion on the documentary afterwards. 
This Wednesday the 30th at 7 PM central. 


Inside the struggles and choices facing transgender kids and their families, in an era where they have more medical options than ever before.

Just a generation ago, it was adults, not kids, who changed genders. But today, many children are transitioning, too — at younger and younger ages. Told from the perspective of parents, doctors and, most revealing of all, the kids themselves, FRONTLINE’s “Growing Up Trans” takes a look at how a new generation is navigating the changing and complicated world of gender and identity.

 meeting link, https://zoom.us/j/3123438396?pwd=ZFVJeW8zZDNrV0p0RmpWME83Zm85UT09 <https://zoom.us/j/3123438396?pwd=ZFVJeW8zZDNrV0p0RmpWME83Zm85UT09>    

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