[NABS-L] REMINDER: Legislative & Self-Advocacy Committee meeting Sunday 3/21 at 8 PM ET

Justin Salisbury PRESIDENT at alumni.ecu.edu
Sun Mar 21 03:00:48 UTC 2021

NABS members and leaders:


Please join the Legislative and Self Advocacy Committee for a discussion about summer internships! We always need to make the case: why you should hire me! In a time of so much change and uncertainty, we as blind students want to be sure that we are on our game when we apply, interview, and seal the deal. Of course, we'll need to talk about accommodations, too.

Also, if you're interested in hearing who won the #StudentAccessMoments Competition, you won't want to miss the results! 

The information to participate is the following:

Join Zoom Link:


One Tap Mobile:


Please reach out directly if you need anything!



Justin Mark Hideaki Salisbury

Second Vice President | National Association of Blind Students
   A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind
(808) 797-8606
president at alumni.ecu.edu | www.nabslink.org

If you need help with a current accessibility barrier in school, visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXoK5sWCpBjvAu4EMOANUufEoJPyUlu4QeJnMB6pIdeohmsg/viewform  

If you have a story about an accessibility barrier you faced in higher education, please tell your story here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf68TacBetKMAHZcMhGJLmYgeWDIjjpSm9Sz1OUwYKxzsIEAg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

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