[NABS-L] ATTENTION Auction Action ending TONIGHT at 11:00 PM EASTERN!

Logan Stenzel stenzellogan at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 17:10:05 UTC 2022

Attention all,

Time is running out! With under 12 hours to go you better kick it into high
gear if you wanna score something from the 2022 National Association of
Blind Students Fundraising Auction. We have an amazing assortment of items
that are just waiting for you to bid on them. Spread the word because there
are many great deals to be had and much funds to be raised! Check out the
auction at https://www.32auctions.com/2022blindstudents before the action
ends tonight at 11:00 pm eastern.

With Excitement,
Logan Stenzel

Logan Stenzel he/him
Fundraising Committee Chair and Board Member | National Association of
Blind Students
A Proud Division of the National Federation of the Blind
President | Minnesota Association of Blind Students
A Proud Division of the National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota

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