[NABS-L] My podcast.

Fahad Amjad famjad917 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 16:53:32 UTC 2023

Hello everyone, my name isFahad,
Hope y’all are doing well. I’m currently working on a podcast in the segue of this podcast is everything is an experience and shapes you into who you are. We talk about the irony, comedy, and it all.

I’d like to invite all of y’all And if you’re comfortable to share about the life experience, you experienced, and how shaped into who are. You can literally be anything. For example, a bad break up, any T/scandal that went on in your school/college pudding, your horrible, ex friend on blast/may be a someone in your friend group who may have involved you in crimes? When I say literally anything, I mean literally anything.
Any life experience that you have experience that you would like to share. Please feel free to message me on my cell at 904-891-5865.


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