[NABS-L] NABS Social!

Zachary Ledford oriolefan38 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 15:00:00 UTC 2023

Hey, hey NABS friends!

I hope this finds you doing well! As mentioned at the most recent

NABS Membership meeting, NABS sound board will be discontinued.

However, NABS will instead start having regular social and game calls.

Feel free to invite friends and newcomers! The first social is this

Sunday at 8pm Eastern on the NABS zoom, and we’ll be playing a game of

song quiz so you won’t want to miss out!


One tap mobile
+13126266799,,4678833687# US (Chicago)
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Best regards,

Zachary Ledford

B.S. Candidate, Health and Kinesiology | University of Utah

President, Utah Association of Blind Students | National Federation of the
Blind of Utah

Co-chair, Membership Committee | National Association of Blind Students

ledford.zachary38 at gmail.com

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